Re: Teleconference 2 January 23:00 UTC

For what it's worth, I did call in to the January 2 teleconference..

Thanks and best wishes
Tim Boland NIST

PS - I also posted to the Team C list a resource pertaining to the Team C
action item re: 22 Dec 05 WCAG WG teleconference..

  At 06:45 PM 1/1/2006 -0500, you wrote:

>Hi - I apologize for such late notice, and I know many people are still
>on vacation and may not receive this message in time. But we need to try
>to have a Team C teleconference this week. We have scheduled time on the
>Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 92242 ("WCAGC") for Monday, 2
>January at 23:00 UTC:
>18:00 Monday North America East
>15:00 Monday North America West
>08:00 Tuesday Japan
>09:00 Tuesday Australia East
>As outlined in the message about team work [1], we are responsible for
>preparing several guidelines for publication in, hopefully, the Last
>Call Working Draft. This week we will discuss Guideline 2.1. In addition
>to resources linked in the instructions, there is an updated template
>for tests [2], a list of open normative issues we must resolve [3],
>interim working materials in the wiki [4], and an updated internal
>working draft of resolved changes to date for the guidelines [5] and How
>to Meet documents [6].
>I would also like to confirm our standing meeting time, which I propose
>be weekly at the same time as this week's call. That is one hour later
>than the original proposal I sent last week. Especially if you are
>unable to attend this week's call, please be sure to reply about the
>meeting time and alternate proposed times if this time does not work for
>[4] <>
>[5] <>
>[6] <>

Received on Tuesday, 3 January 2006 00:05:20 UTC