Change proposal WCAG Techniques model with ACT Rules

Hi team!

During the TPAC meeting we had an interesting discussion about the relation
between WCAG techniques and ACT Rules. The WCAG group is currently
discussing failure techniques. We had a quick discussion and I want to send
a proposal to the WCAG WG, to see if our work can help with there problem.
The way we discussed it is as follows:

There is a certain overlap between WCAG Failure techniques and ACT Rules.
Failure techniques have a negative 'tone' to them, and many of them are
difficult to test. What we'd like to do is design our ACT Rule Suite in
such a way that it could and eventually would replace the failure
techniques. ACT Rules would be much more testable, and have a clearer
relation to sufficient techniques. e.g. Sufficient Techniques give
developers a way to meet a criterion, ACT Rules are for testing the
accessibility. Neither is an exhaustive list, but they can be grown over
time to cover ever more ground.

The way I'd think this could happen is that as Auto-WCAG comes up with ACT
rules for the ACT Rule Suite, we'd start putting those rules in the place
of failure techniques, removing failure techniques as we add more rules.

We'll have this on the agenda for next Wednesday's meeting. Please e-mail
me if you have any concerns you want to discuss.


*Wilco Fiers* - Senior Accessibility Engineer

Received on Friday, 23 September 2016 13:32:05 UTC