[Pointers-in-RDF] Updated documents

Hi group,

Here you have an updated draft of the Pointer Methods in RDF document and the schema. According to the WG resolutions, changes since the previous version are:

- Changes in the status section to reflect the new situation
- A paragraph has been added to the introduction section giving advice about Pointers usage
- All examples with abstract and generic classes have been removed
- XMLNamespace has been renamed as NamespaceMapping. There is also an Editor's note looking for feedback on the new name
- Changes to the example 10 title trying to clarify it
- Several typos has been fixed

By the way, do you think it is necessary to add a "changes since the last version" section with this information?



Carlos Iglesias

Fundación CTIC
Parque Científico-Tecnológico de Gijón
33203 - Gijón, Asturias, España
teléfono: +34 984291212
email: carlos.iglesias@fundacionctic.org
URL: http://www.fundacionctic.org 

Received on Tuesday, 19 May 2009 14:48:49 UTC