Re: [ACTION-99] Use OWL Ontology headers in the Schema of all our documents (reworded)

Hi Carlos,

Thank you for this suggestion. I've incorporated it except for the 
owl:imports. According to the OWL specification, it says:

- "An owl:imports statement references another OWL ontology containing 
definitions, whose meaning is considered to be part of the meaning of 
the importing ontology."

I'm not sure that we actually want to *import* other namespaces. This 
relates to Notes 5&6 about requiring support for HTTP-in-RDF and for 
  - <>
  - <>

Once we have a resolution on these points then we can update the RDF 
accordingly. For now, I've added rdfs:seeAlso for cross-referencing.


Carlos A Velasco wrote:
> Hi all,
> According to my action item from today, which I reworded. This is also
> related to ISSUE-17.
> I would suggest that we use in all our RDF Schemas the ontology headers:
> <>
> For instance, for EARL 1.0:
> <owl:Ontology rdf:about="">
>   <owl:versionInfo>v 1.0</owl:versionInfo>
>   <rdfs:comment>Schema for the Evaluation and Report Language (EARL) 1.0
>   </rdfs:comment>
>   <owl:imports rdf:resource=""/>
>   <!-- ... and all the imported namespaces here -->
> </owl:Ontology>
> Like the OWL spec recommends, I would like to suggest also to use the
> xml:base attribute, pointing to our namespaces, e.g.:
> xml:base=""
> regards,
> carlos

Shadi Abou-Zahra - |
   WAI International Program Office Activity Lead   |
  W3C Evaluation & Repair Tools Working Group Chair |

Received on Friday, 12 June 2009 21:26:25 UTC