Some doubts about the Schema

Hi everybody,

Here are my doubts:

- I supposed that dc:location is described at Dublin Core Metadata Element Set [1] but I can't find any description there, nor at DCMI Metadata Terms [2].

The only reference I found is at DC-Library Application Profile (DC-Lib) [3] with the recommendation [4] of using the element "location" from the MODS (Metadata Object Definition Schema) namespace [5]

What I am missing?

- Do we need to include the dc and foaf namespaces within the EARL Schema? [6]
If so, shouldn't we include the dct namespace too?

- Apparently, the schema doesn't validate


<rdfs:Class rdf:about="">
    <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Single Assertor</rdfs:label>
    <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">One person or evaluation tool that claims assertions</rdfs:comment>
    <owl:oneOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
      <owl:Thing rdf:type=""/>
-->   <owl:Thing rdf:type="">	<-- (not closed)
      <owl:Thing rdf:type="">
-->   </owl:Thing>	<-- (not necessary)


<rdfs:Class rdf:about="">
    <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Single Assertor</rdfs:label>
    <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">One person or evaluation tool that claims assertions</rdfs:comment>
    <owl:oneOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
      <owl:Thing rdf:type=""/>
      <owl:Thing rdf:type=""/>
      <owl:Thing rdf:type=""/>

[1] - []
[2] - []
[3] - []
[4] - []
[5] - []
[6] - []

That's all.



Carlos Iglesias

Web Accessibility Unit - CTIC Foundation
Science and Technology Park of Gijón
33203 - Gijón, Asturias, Spain 

phone: +34 984291212
fax: +34 984390612

Received on Thursday, 12 January 2006 16:15:48 UTC