Re: Institution as an Assertor

"Carlos Iglesias" <>
>> I agree, I think it would indeed be a good idea to widen it
>> beyond foaf:Person -  In the foaf world this was seen a lot,
>> and foaf:Agent was the solution a foaf Agent being anything
>> that "does stuff" it's a super class of Person and
>> Organisation and Group (for when 2 people are asserting
>> something, or a Working Group are asserting it even though
>> there may be
>> dissent)
>The problem I see is that the status of foaf:Agent is declared as

We need to put more pressure on the FOAF folk to update their 
unstable/testing etc.

>> My problem with using dc:publisher is that it's very
>> undefined what you're going to get, generally you get a name,
>> FOAF is good as it allows you to unambigously identify what
>> the Entity is and hook into wider resources on what that
>> person is.  I don't believe this is possible with dc:publisher.
>What about dc:creator and dc:contributor?

These suffer the same problems, you cannot know that

someEarl dc:creator "Jim Ley"

is created by the same person as

someEarl dc:creator "Jim Ley"

Okay, we can probably guess it was me, and there's no absolute disaster if 
not, but I have shared email lists before with other Jim Ley's, and it means 
we can't teach our tools to trust the other Jim Ley's judgement but not 

So that's my problem with dc properties, they're only any use for showing to 
a user, they're not any use for processing.



Received on Friday, 23 September 2005 14:56:06 UTC