RE: Institution as an Assertor


Hi Jim,

> I agree, I think it would indeed be a good idea to widen it 
> beyond foaf:Person -  In the foaf world this was seen a lot, 
> and foaf:Agent was the solution a foaf Agent being anything 
> that "does stuff" it's a super class of Person and 
> Organisation and Group (for when 2 people are asserting 
> something, or a Working Group are asserting it even though 
> there may be
> dissent)

The problem I see is that the status of foaf:Agent is declared as

> My problem with using dc:publisher is that it's very 
> undefined what you're going to get, generally you get a name, 
> FOAF is good as it allows you to unambigously identify what 
> the Entity is and hook into wider resources on what that 
> person is.  I don't believe this is possible with dc:publisher.

What about dc:creator and dc:contributor?



Received on Friday, 23 September 2005 14:42:32 UTC