Re: Locating In EARL Example


Chris Ridpath wrote:
> Johannes proposed:
> <earl:line>3</earl:line>
> <earl:column>19</earl:column>
> <earl:xpath>/html[1]/body[1]/p[1]/map[1]/area[2]</earl:xpath>
> <earl:near rdf:parseType="Literal"><![CDATA[<area href="foo.jpg" 
> alt="foo">]]></earl:near>
> Johannes also proposed putting the whole thing inside:
> <earl:location>
> <rdf:Seq>

Sorry for being so vague, I do mean the latter one. Something like this:

  <rdf:Seq> /* or Bag, Collection, etc */
      <earl:xpath .../>
      <earl:line .../>
      <earl:coloumn .../>
      /* whatever else we can provide */

This means, each earl:location describes one occurrence of the result in a subject but there could be any number of occurrences in a single assertion. An occurrence could also be composed of more than one part, for example image maps was suggested.

What do you think of that?


Received on Wednesday, 6 April 2005 14:20:58 UTC