Coverage and open issues

Hi all,

According to my action item from last call [1], we need to figure out
some kind of formal procedure to feed back to WCAG WG coverage issues or
ambiguities we found when developing TCs. Thus far, the use of the -gl
mailing list did not prove to be very successful from the BenToWeb
perspective (Michael has received a compilation of issues from Christophe).

I propose the following process for such cases:
- Open in the Wiki a new section on this (I will prepare some template
later this week). This page will have an index of open issues.
- Every issue page will have the following content:
  * Title
  * Success criteria and/or technique and/or common failure
  * Status: pending or solved
  * Description of the issue
  * Proposal on the solution
  * Reference to relevant test sample(s), if any
  * Link to the mail/thread to the GL mailing list where the WG
    is informed of the issue

Does this sounds reasonable?


Dr Carlos A Velasco
  Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT)
  BIKA Web Compliance Center -
  Schloss Birlinghoven, D53757 Sankt Augustin (Germany)
  Tel: +49-2241-142609 Fax: +49-2241-1442609

Received on Tuesday, 6 March 2007 13:57:08 UTC