Fw: Thoughts on Tutorials menu

Forwarded email below.

Norah Sinclair
Instructional Technology and User Support Specialist

AMAC Accessibility Solutions and Research Center
Georgia Institute of Technology | College of Design
512 Means Street | Suite 250 | Atlanta, GA 30318

phone 404.894.7432

From: Sinclair, Norah M
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 3:40 PM
To: Shawn Henry; Green, James; Frausto, Alicia; Charlotte Wise; syhardwi@visa.com; Bakken, Brent; Sharron Rush; Eric Eggert
Subject: Thoughts on Tutorials menu


I wanted to share some thoughts on the menu labels on the Web Accessibility Tutorials left menu:

  *   First of all, I really like the new blue that has been added!
  *   Issue: The menu does not function the way I expect it to function. On the Tutorials first page, it is not initially evident to me, that first page is the "overview."  I expect that clicking Overview in the menu will advance to a new page, but it does not. Menu item is labeled Overview but page does not include the word overview at all (which could be ok, but is confusing here). I think there are a couple of approaches that could reduce or remove this confusion.
     *   Approach 1: Add “Overview” as a subheading on the page, (same hierarchy and styling as “Relationship to WCAG 2.0” heading on page)  so that when first visiting the page it is (more) evident that this is the overview.  I expected this page to be aligned with the title Tutorials, and that clicking overview would take me to a different page.
     *   Approach 2: Remove “Overview” from the menu. Selecting overview in menu does not move you to new location/page – make title “Tutorials” link back to “Web Accessibility Tutorials” page.
  *   Similar issue: Other Menu item labels should better match page headings.
     *   Approach: Remove "Concepts" from page top level headings, instead style “Concepts” as subheading under top level heading, matching style of Why is this important?”

See attached document for examples. These are suggestions for editor's discretion, but I wanted to share that I found this confusing.


Norah Sinclair
Instructional Technology and User Support Specialist

AMAC Accessibility Solutions and Research Center
Georgia Institute of Technology | College of Design
512 Means Street | Suite 250 | Atlanta, GA 30318

phone 404.894.7432

From: Shawn Henry <shawn@w3.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 9:15 AM
To: Sinclair, Norah M
Subject: Fwd: Redesign Revisions & UT observations

Hi Norah,

I forgot to include you in this e-mail:

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Redesign Revisions & UT observations
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2017 21:10:05 -0500
From: Shawn Henry <shawn@w3.org>
To: WSTF <public-wai-eo-site@w3.org>, Green, James <jgreen@visa.com>, Frausto, Alicia <afrausto@visa.com>, Charlotte Wise <cwise@visa.com>, syhardwi@visa.com

Hi all,

First off, thanks a million to all the VISA folks for awesome usability testing! It was sooooo helpful for this redesign project! (and I really enjoyed the chance to spend some f2f time together!)

Two places to look for next steps and to *add your input* from usability testing:
1. Prototype Revisions -- including things already agreed upon and things for consideration: https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Redesign_-_October_Revisions
2. Observations from UT (not necessarily directly leading to changes):  https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Usability_testing_Oct_2017#Observations_from_UT

Anyone should be able to view those wiki pages, and those in EOWG should be able to edit them -- including: James, Charlotte, Alicia, Caleb.

Timing: We plan to do more usability testing at TPAC 7-9 Nov. As I understand it, the last day Eric can do any significant revisions is Monday 30 October, so we need to have most things figured out well before then. (I and others can make some types of minor tweaks after that.)

Alicia, James: There are several visual design changes that we either already agree on, or some people have pretty strong suggestions for. Would it work for Alicia to do those soon, and not wait? It would be so awesome if we could look at revised mock-ups and make some decisions soon. :-)

Charlotte, Sydney, Liz: We noted some things that are known issues with the prototype -- so you don't waste time on those in reporting. Those are in two places:
* Things we already fixed in the prototype: https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Usability_testing_Oct_2017#Known_prototype_issues
* Things we haven't fixed yet: https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Redesign_-_October_Revisions#Prototype_not_done_yet

OK, all for now.

Thanks, y'all!!!


Received on Tuesday, 17 October 2017 17:26:16 UTC