WAI website homepage couple of ideas

Hi All,

Building on Eric's suggestion of moving menu items out to main content of homepage, I put together a couple of ideas on attached documents. Also attempted to address other goals we discussed such as emphasizing W3C and WAI relationship and purpose. Perhaps bringing the topics out this way does also address the audiences/roles too.  One example includes full menu items (did not include all menus on mock-up 😊), the second example includes menu labels with short descriptions, with the idea, that an action such as hovering will pop-up the full menus. Also included a prominent link to a map of all resources. Images are attached. Ideas for brainstorming/discussion and follow up after last meeting.



Norah Sinclair
Instructional Technology and User Support Specialist

AMAC Accessibility Solutions and Research Center
Georgia Institute of Technology | College of Design
512 Means Street | Suite 250 | Atlanta, GA 30318

phone 404.894.7432

Received on Tuesday, 17 October 2017 17:51:30 UTC