Re: PLEASE RESPOND Final cleanup, I need to make sure everyone is OK

On 27/09/2017 13:42, Michael Champion wrote:
> Léonie, you sound more comfortable with #2 after the recent GitHub discussion, correct?  I’m not sure if this needs to be in the Process, but the discussion seemed to conclude that the team procedure should be for CR announcements to include pointers to how to file issues if one believes that the transition to PR should be accelerated (e.g.,by  dropping items that don’t have consensus until the next iteration) or that the transition should be blocked until some critical issue is addressed or re-opened.

Correct. I understand now why the ballot can't be opened at CR, and I'm 
happy with the proposed change to the Process. Some guidance as you 
suggest would be useful, but I agree probably not in the Process.


@LeonieWatson carpe diem

Received on Wednesday, 27 September 2017 18:11:17 UTC