Re: Summarizing the state of Issue-152

If we find we have a problem, we can (with some trouble) revise again, which includes reversal.  I think it’s rare enough that if it is painful, we reverse.

> On Apr 6, 2015, at 17:25 , Wayne Carr <> wrote:
> On 2015-04-06 16:38, Stephen Zilles wrote:
>> Wayne,
>> Why send a note to the AC? They are not making IPR commitments.
> Actually, it is the  AC rep who makes IPR commitments for their employer in W3C whenever they join or put people in WGs -- but, it's fine with me to have this be a Director's decision.
>>  And, if you send a note, why establish a different period for action? Currently, I believe that the shortest AC response time is for a request to appeal an announced decision and that is three weeks. (See 8.2
>> .) These periods have been long to take cognizance of people having vacations and other commitments.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Wayne Carr [
>>> ]
>>> Sent: Monday, April 06, 2015 4:18 PM
>>> To: Michael Champion (MS OPEN TECH); David Singer; chaals@yandex-
>>> Cc: 
>>> Subject: Re: Summarizing the state of Issue-152
>>> On 2015-04-06 15:20, Michael Champion (MS OPEN TECH) wrote:
>>>>> So, I would be OK with ‘The decision that a revision is purely editorial must
>>> be made by the WG without dissent (i.e. abstention or failing to indicate is OK,
>>>>>   but a single voice saying “oh not it isn’t” is enough to force CR publication
>>> and exclusion opps.)"
>>>> Works for me.
>>> And post a note to the AC that it's going to happen and one objection also
>>> means it goes to CR.  It could be quick - like 7 days.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: David Singer [
>>>> ]
>>>> Sent: Monday, April 6, 2015 3:14 PM
>>>> To: 
>>>> Cc: Wayne Carr; 
>>>> Subject: Re: Summarizing the state of Issue-152
>>>>> On Apr 6, 2015, at 14:57 ,
>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> If something is added that turns out not to be editorial, and a case comes
>>> up, there is *no* protection in the patent policy against a poor decision.
>>>> If this is clear (that the IPR commitments are to the last thing someone had
>>> an exclusion opportunity on, which is something I have always pushed for)
>>> then we’re good to go with a thumping big warning to the WG that editorial
>>> changes mean just that, and if they inadvertently (or deliberately) entangle
>>> IPR, the IPR owner, EVEN IF a member of the WG, is not under any licensing
>>> obligation.
>>>> Having a 60-day ‘if you think this is non-editorial, speak up’ is pointless.  One
>>> may as well have a 60-day exclusion opp. and be done.
>>>> A 60-day delay for publishing an edited document looks long and heavy
>>> (though it’s not really).
>>>> So, I would be OK with ‘The decision that a revision is purely editorial must
>>> be made by the WG without dissent (i.e. abstention or failing to indicate is OK,
>>> but a single voice saying “oh not it isn’t” is enough to force CR publication and
>>> exclusion opps.)"
>>>> David Singer
>>>> Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc.

David Singer
Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Tuesday, 7 April 2015 00:30:10 UTC