Re: w3process-ISSUE-126 (autoWDpublish): Automatic WD publishing tool may change the W3C center of gravity around WGs [Process Document]

On September 12, 2014 at 2:06:39 PM, Marcos Caceres ( wrote:
> > And, when PRs are used for contributions, the workflow above  
> also facilitates tracking the provenance of contributions.

Exactly. Down to the commit level. For those not familiar with GitHub, click on any "n commits" under the names - you can drill down from there:

(Note that my specs don't even list "Editors" any more, they literally just point to the contributor list - it removes the egos and provides an objective account of who contributed what).

To see what a feature branch that has undergone review by multiple individuals looks like:

In that example, Ilya and I worked together on a feature after having reached agreement with the larger group in:

In the above, you can see exactly which 7 participants where involved in reaching consensus to add a feature.

It's so nice to collaborate like this... just sayin'. 

Received on Friday, 12 September 2014 19:36:30 UTC