w3process-ISSUE-116 (CharterAnnoucement): Announcing a Working Group Charter [Process Document]

w3process-ISSUE-116 (CharterAnnoucement): Announcing a Working Group Charter [Process Document]


Raised by: Steve Zilles
On product: Process Document

In Section 5.2 Advisory Committee Review of an Activity Proposal there is the following,
"The Director announces to the Advisory Committee whether there is consensus within W3C to create or modify the Activity (possibly with changes suggested during the review). For a new Activity, this announcement officially creates the Activity."

issue: Move this to cover charter development?

Suggested Resolution:
Do nothing.
Section 6.2.4 Call for Participation in a Working Group or Interest Group
already says,
"After Advisory Committee review of a Working Group or Interest Group charter, the Director MAY issue a Call for Participation to the Advisory Committee. Charters MAY be amended based on review comments before the Director issues a Call for Participation.

For a new group, this announcement officially creates the group. The announcement MUST include a reference to the charter, the name(s) of the group's Chair(s), and the name of the Team Contact."

This seems to adequately capture the announcement requirements for charters (and there will no longer be any such requirement for Activities).

Received on Tuesday, 26 August 2014 05:06:47 UTC