Re: Overall structure of the W3C

On Aug 1, 2014, at 10:33 , Wayne Carr <> wrote:

>>>    b. Is the Team's size and makeup appropriate to our current workload, considering our limited resources?
>> Good question. This is something that I think belongs in the scope of the AC, rather than a public group.
> I'm not getting the focus on team makeup and size.  That seems like micromanaging.  

Perhaps, but I think the W3C is unique (to my knowledge) in the way it handles this.  I can’t think of any other standards body I work with that employs domain experts, for example, and the W3C dues are easily the largest standards dues that go over my desk (ok, we left one that was more expensive).

If the W3C were ‘just like’ most industry consortia, then perhaps it wouldn’t be worth asking, but occasional reflection on whether the structure and style are suited to the needs and the age, for a ‘unique’ organization, would seem reasonable.

Mind you, I think the question is a can of minefields in a tarpit. We might prefer to leave the can closed.

David Singer
Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Friday, 1 August 2014 21:36:17 UTC