w3process-ISSUE-41 (Reviewing corrections): Remove the "Review of corrections" process?

w3process-ISSUE-41 (Reviewing corrections): Remove the "Review of corrections" process?


Raised by: Ian Jacobs
On product: 

Currently the process allows errata to be reviewed, and attain normative status. This has not been useful in practice, and instead Edited Recommendations are published when required.

Removing this process would mean implementing the following two proposals in Ian's mail http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3process/2013Sep/0018.html for changes to section 7.6.1:

   a) "An errata page MAY include both proposed and normative
   corrections. The Working Group MUST clearly identify which
   corrections are proposed and which are normative." I think this is
   a bug. The corrections only become normative once included in the
   specification. I suggest deleting the sentences.

   b) Please delete all the text related to "Call for Review of 
   Proposed Corrections." This bit of process has never been used
   and the odds that it will be are very low.

Received on Thursday, 3 October 2013 14:07:37 UTC