Re: Proc Doc: time to Slash and Burn, Divide and Conquer, or what?

On 6/4/13 7:38 AM, ext Stephen Zilles wrote:
> Charles and Art have said,
> >
> > Whose consensus?
> >
> > I think the answer here is "The members" - i.e. the Advisory Committee.
> >
> >> * 7. Tech Reports process.
> Re "consensus by whom?" - if the TR process is going to change, there
> should be some type of CfC/RfC of the Draft that is open to the Public
> (which includes Members). Similar to a LCWD review for a spec.
> I would note that this is the process which has been followed for all 
> versions of the W3C Process. I has been presented to the AC for 
> comment and then given a formal AC Review. What is new, is conducting 
> the discussion in which changes are prepared in public. The minutes of 
> all the recent discussions have long been Member visible and are 
> summarized in the regular AB Summaries, but that has not been public 
> (in part because the AB discusses topics that might not be ready for 
> public presentation). The W3C Process is not, however, such a topic.

So you agree that all W3C _process_ related discussions should be moved 
from Member-confidential list(s) and meetings and conducted solely in 
Public list(s) and meetings?


Received on Tuesday, 4 June 2013 11:46:27 UTC