Re: Proc Doc: time to Slash and Burn, Divide and Conquer, or what?

Charles and Art have said,
> Whose consensus?
> I think the answer here is "The members" - i.e. the Advisory Committee.
>> * 7. Tech Reports process.

Re "consensus by whom?" - if the TR process is going to change, there
should be some type of CfC/RfC of the Draft that is open to the Public
(which includes Members). Similar to a LCWD review for a spec.

I would note that this is the process which has been followed for all versions of the W3C Process. I has been presented to the AC for comment and then given a formal AC Review. What is new, is conducting the discussion in which changes are prepared in public. The minutes of all the recent discussions have long been Member visible and are summarized in the regular AB Summaries, but that has not been public (in part because the AB discusses topics that might not be ready for public presentation). The W3C Process is not, however, such a topic.

Steve Z

Received on Tuesday, 4 June 2013 11:39:06 UTC