Weekly digest of W3C news and trends: DNT, Firefox OS, Social Web standards, Cloud standardization, etc.

This is the 1-5 July 2013 edition of a “weekly digest of W3C news and  
trends" that the W3C Communications Team prepares for the W3C Membership  
and public-w3c-digest mailing list (publicly archived [1]) [sent  
separately]. This digest aggregates information about W3C from online  
media, a snapshot of how W3C and its work is perceived in online media.

[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3c-digest/

Notably this week :

- over 700 stories about W3C on Twitter in the past week.
- over 1500 mentions of W3C in past week.
- With 62913 Twitter followers, net increase of nearly 2.4K followers  
since 31 May.
- 19 posts that dlvr.it posted between Jun 23 - Jun 30 got 22K clicks with  
a potential reach to 75.3K connections.
- Peaks on 27-Jun (616 mentions) and 2-Jul (338 mentions) for top stories  
“eject DRM and You Risk Walling Off Parts of the Web, Says W3C Chief -  
Slashdot” [1], and “W3C Chief: To Prevent Parts Of The Web From Being  
Walled Off, We Need To Wall It Off Ourselves | Techdirt” [2].


I also noted a funny story which made it to the top for 3 days in a row,  
the previous weekend:
“I feel bad for the W3C. For years we begged for gradients, so they gave  
us gradients. So what do we do? FLATTEN ALL THE THINGS.”
cf. <https://twitter.com/nickrp/status/345354597491167233>

Below is the compilation of what I harvested monitoring the  
(micro)blogosphere and press.

W3C and HTML5 related Twitter buzz
[Things that were tweeted frequently, things that caught my attention, etc.
  Most *recent* first (popularity is flagged with the figure between  
parenthesis —that is the number of times the same URIs or tweet was  

* (49) Minutes of Tracking Protection Working Group Teleconference -- 03  
Jul 2013

And also Ed Bott’s tweet:
“If you're interested in Do Not Track, follow the W3C Tracking Protection  
Working Group mailing list, where the DNT process is now imploding.”

* (45) .net: Hot in web standards: May/June 2013, by Lea Verou

* (50) The Future Of The Social Web Depends On Standards - Forbes

* (10) TAG Special Election: it's on! Sergey posted his thoughts today,  
check it out

* (53) Standards for Web Applications on Mobile: current state and roadmap  
(June 2013)

* (159) Thunderclap - FirefoxOS, a new mobile operating system

* (153) Firefox OS mobilises HTML5, without the added Steve Jobs • The  

* (48) Accessible User Experience and W3C-WAI | The Paciello Group Blog

W3C in the Press (or blogs): spanning 31 May - 3 July 2013

31 articles. Highlights:
   * Firefox OS, Firefox OS smartphones
   * DNT
   * EME in HTML5, DRM
   * Jeff Jaffe on Cloud standardization

A selection follows.

[Most recent first.
  title, source (date), link.
  Find keywords on our Press clippings page:  
http://www.w3.org/Press/Articles ]

    Hot in web standards:  May/June 2013
    .net magazine (3 July)

    Mozilla CTO: Firefox tablet coming 'ASAP'
    PCWorld (2 July)

    Firefox OS mobilises HTML5, without the added Steve Jobs
    The Register (2 July)

    W3C Chief: To Prevent Parts Of The Web From Being Walled Off, We Need  
To Wall It Off Ourselves
    Techdirt (2 July)

    Six things you need to know about WebRTC
    NetworkWorld (1 July)

    Tools To Help You Hide Online Raise The Ire Of Advertisers
    NPR (29 June)

    How we can create open standards for social business
    ZDNet (27 June)

    W3C chief says cloud and web bodies should work together
    Cloud Pro (27 June)

    The big lesson cloud computing needs to learn from the history of the  
    ZDNet (27 June)

    Announcing Social Business Open Standards Workshop, Organized by  
OpenSocial Foundation and W3C, and Hosted by AppFusions
    Yahoo! Business and Finance (27 June)

    Reject DRM and you risk walling off parts of the web, says W3C chief
    ZDNet (27 June)

    Ad group blasts cookie-privacy project from Mozilla, Stanford
    CNET (26 June)

    How to Ensure Privacy in the Age of HTML5
    CIO (25 June)

    Do Not Track standards do not coalesce
    Betanews (24 June)

    As the Do Not Track standard unravels, privacy alternatives emerge
    ZDNet (20 June)

    The Ad Business Is About To Suffer A Stunning Defeat At Hands Of 'A  
Volunteer Who Hangs Around The Offices' Of Firefox
    Business Insider (17 June)

    W3C insider explains what's wrong with cramming DRM into HTML5 - and  
what you can do about it
    Boing Boing (6 June)

    DRM and HTML5: it's now or never for the Open Web
    The Guardian (6 June)

    Could Big Data Spur Semantic Web Development?
    SmartData Collective (5 June)

    Open IPTV Forum publishes HTML5 profile for connected TVs
    Broadband TV News (4 June)

    EFF blasts proposed DRM features in HTML5
    NetworkWorld (31 May)

    W3C chief calls for tighter control over cloud standards
    TechRadar Pro (31 May)

    EFF warns HTML5 webpage locks may strangle innovation
    Computer Business Review (31 May)

  Coralie Mercier  -  W3C Communications Team  -  http://www.w3.org
mailto:coralie@w3.org +33643220001 http://www.w3.org/People/CMercier/

Received on Friday, 5 July 2013 17:25:05 UTC