It could be helpful to publish a guide detailing home to namespace keys as
URNs (as suggested, with I default URN resolver).
On May 9, 2015 5:04 PM, "Peter Krauss" <> wrote:
> Simon,
> 2015-05-08 0:36 GMT-03:00 <>:
>> Phil -
>> I took a look through the Community Groups, and found
>> which it appears you are/were involved in. AFAICT the outcome of that
>> work is
>> which hosts redirects, and is intended to do this indefinitely. So anyone
>> who has a resource-set (including a list of definitions) for which they
>> would like a neutral/persistent baseURI, can request a directory (by
>> issuing a pull-request), and hope it is approved by the administrators.
>> Have I got it?
> Thanks!
> You find a good initiative/community that (looks to) fit with the "URN as
> code" for SchemaOrg demands...
> Only to confirm: the suggestion is to use as baseURI of URNs and
> URN-Resolvers?
>> already has a small presence.
> If SchemaOrg evolves in this direction, what the strategy?
> Perhaps we need first to do some homework ;-)
> (I am starting to do mine here <>
> )
>> The technology is rather trivial - it is the intention which matters.
> yes
>> But it looks like a lighter-weight alternative to -
>> though governance is currently rather informal.
> yes, better alternative...
> Perhaps with SchemaOrg participation, some curatory aspects can be
> formalized.
> PPKrauss