Fact Ranking Quiz

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Dear all,

We have all are experiencing the exponential increase of knowledge available on the web. Dealing with such an extensive amount of information poses a challenge when trying to identify what is potentially important and what not. Of course this always lies in the eye of the beholder. But, we are also interested in information that might be relevant for the majority of us, the so-called mainstream. 

We have developed a Fact Ranking Quiz to try to find out what fact seems to be generally important for a given resource. By using the wisdom of the crowd, we aim to develop a first ground-truth corpus that will help the scientific community to evaluate various new fact ranking strategies. Our new UI has an improved user experience, such that now you are able to understand and judge the facts more easily, having a much more transparent scoring. 

We are committed to gathering as much input as possible, in order to draw objective conclusions about what might be generally important (for a given concept). Therefore, your help and contributions are greatly appreciated! 

Our tool [1] allows you to interactively rank facts about ~500 popular entities taken from Wikipedia. 
You may interrupt the quiz at any time you like and continue later. The longer you play and the more feedback you provide, the more points you will earn! At every step you are shown how you rank among other players and how many points you can earn. However, in case you are not familiar with one of the presented facts, you can always vote "I don't know".
There is no right or wrong answer. Just vote as you think it seems right for you. Our goal is to aggregate votes from all the participants and determine a general (mainstream) relevance of the presented facts.

The facts are automatically generated from DBpedia triples. Therefore, please don't mind the (sometimes) odd formulation. On the other hand, also DBpedia contains wrong facts. If you come across something you know is wrong, please vote for "nonsense" and help us also to cleanup DBpedia a little bit. 

Please check out the new version of our quiz and help us by putting in your knowledge and point of view! Your inputs are highly appreciated and will greatly contribute to our scientific experiment and the creation of a first fact ranking corpus.

(The registration is very simple and takes 1 min, after which you will be taken to a page where the task is explained in more detail.)

Please do also spread the word. The more participants, the more valid our ground truth will be.

Of course, we are planning to release all of the gathered data into the public for further (scientific) use.

[1] Fact Ranking Web-Application, http://s16a.org/fr/

Thanks and best regards,
Semantic Technologies Team
Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Softwaresystemtechnik GmbH
Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2-3
D-14482 Potsdam

Received on Friday, 23 January 2015 10:35:48 UTC