Re: New release candiate for review (sdo-stantz)

And it's live -

Thanks everyone!

On 30 January 2015 at 17:32, Dan Brickley <> wrote:
> Hmm It seems only yesterday we sent around the sdo-venkman release for review -
>>>> from datetime import date
>>>> then = date(2014, 11, 17)
>>>> now = date(2015, 01, 30)
>>>> (now - then).days
> 74
> The followup release ("sdo-stantz") is nearly done. It
> might need a few final tweaks and polish but please take a look at the
> draft release summary at:
> If you want to jump into specific issues and changes they're all
> linked from that page to changes or issues on github. See also
> Thanks to everyone who has helped catch so many bugs and glitches.
> There are plenty more things to improve but it is time we published
> what we've got so far as progress on We'll give it a week
> or so to polish and fix things, ... thanks for taking a look.
> cheers,
> Dan,
> for

Received on Wednesday, 4 February 2015 19:36:28 UTC