September Update on Sports

Hi All,

In the interests of 'pushing something out is better than nothing' we are going to slice up the 2014 Sports Vocab proposal into three distinct parts.

This first part will be a 'Sports Agents Vocab' and focus on describing sports organizations and athletes. An initial draft proposal + build is completed and ready for review and comment.  I encourage you to provide feedback ASAP as we hope to ship this immediately.

The second part will be a 'Sports Events Vocab' and focus on describing sports events and the 'action events' (aka. plays) that occur within those events.  See example of such content here:  Timelines for a proposal focused on this part are TBD but I would like to hear from volunteers interest in participating.

The third part will focus on describing sports statistics, or more generically, tabular data like this:  The recent derivative proposal around 'Measurements' is focused on this area and there is strong alignment with the work around CSVs and Tabular Data (

If you are interested in participating in developing a proposal for the 2nd or 3rd parts identified, please join the sports schema google group (!forum/sports-schema-collab) and let us know.


Jason Johnson

Received on Wednesday, 17 September 2014 20:41:53 UTC