- From: LeVan,Ralph <levan@oclc.org>
- Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2014 17:53:09 +0000
- To: Dan Brickley <danbri@google.com>, "Wallis,Richard" <Richard.Wallis@oclc.org>
- CC: "kcoyle@kcoyle.net" <kcoyle@kcoyle.net>, Chaals from Yandex <chaals@yandex-team.ru>, "<public-vocabs@w3.org>" <public-vocabs@w3.org>
Here are the top 250 roles from WorldCat Identities. (We have an index on role that you can browse. http://worldcat.org/identities/search/?scanClause=local.Role+exact+%22creator%22&responsePosition=10&maximumTerms=20) I index the code as well as provide a translation of the code, hence the numeric duplications. The number next to the role is the count of the number of Identities that have had that role in WorldCat. Ralph 1875876 Editor 1875876 edt 872701 Performer 872701 prf 586210 Composer 586210 cmp 501391 Creator 501391 cre 480827 Other 480827 oth 416319 Translator 416319 trl 358495 Illustrator 358495 ill 242276 Honoree 242276 hnr 197321 Correspondent 197321 crp 194249 Instrumentalist 194249 itr 174324 Dedicatee 174324 dte 170214 Author of introduction 170214 aui 138096 Compiler 138096 com 134870 Actor 134870 act 123777 Director 123777 drt 121804 Redactor 121804 red 119091 Contributor 119091 ctb 110324 Recipient 110324 rcp 102729 Adapter 102729 adp 99270 Printer 99270 prt 90672 Producer 90672 pro 90174 Publisher 90174 pbl 87777 Photographer 87777 pht 81488 Vocalist 81488 voc 80844 Musician 80844 mus 80621 Singer 80621 sng 75918 Collaborator 75918 clb 74915 Interviewee 74915 ive 68287 Arranger 68287 arr 61796 Publishing director 61796 pbd 57610 Thesis advisor 57610 ths 56813 Conductor 56813 cnd 52148 Narrator 52148 nrt 48645 Lyricist 48645 lyr 45417 Artist 45417 art 38008 Scenarist 38008 sce 29852 Author of screenplay 29852 aus 24900 Bibliographic antecedent 24900 ant 24657 Dancer 24657 dnc 24201 Originator 24201 org 21033 Film editor 21033 flm 20315 Engraver 20315 egr 20050 Inventor 20050 inv 19952 Speaker 19952 spk 19874 Interviewer 19874 ivr 18638 Former owner 18638 fmo 18273 Commentator 18273 cmm 16998 Librettist 16998 lbt 16959 Collector 16959 col 15366 Conceptor 15366 ccp 15279 Bookseller 15279 bsl 14981 Costume designer 14981 cst 13776 Cartographer 13776 ctg 10152 Book designer 10152 bkd 9901 Dissertant 9901 dis 9298 Respondent 9298 rsp 8983 Production personnel 8983 prd 8900 Distributor 8900 dst 7925 Book producer 7925 bkp 7550 Writer of accompanying material 7550 wam 6967 Set designer 6967 std 6852 Choreographer 6852 chr 6797 Owner 6797 own 6760 csn 6630 Author of afterword, colophon, etc. 6630 aft 6583 Annotator 6583 ann 6532 Signer 6532 sgn 5780 Researcher 5780 res 5769 Lithographer 5769 ltg 5712 Secretary 5712 sec 5699 Host 5699 hst 5462 Funder 5462 fnd 5046 Cinematographer 5046 cng 4995 Attributed name 4995 att 4617 Commentator for written text 4617 cwt 4610 Applicant 4610 app 4499 Programmer 4499 prg 4068 Responsible party 4068 rpy 4002 Curator 4002 cur 3696 Author of dialog 3696 aud 3470 Lighting designer 3470 lgd 3411 Designer 3411 dsr 2937 Dedicator 2937 dto 2897 cnm 2696 Sponsor 2696 spn 2607 Draftsman 2607 drm 2196 Restager 2196 rsg 2164 Inscriber 2164 ins 2151 Donor 2151 dnr 2029 Scribe 2029 scr 1824 Recording engineer 1824 rce 1743 Dubious author 1743 dub 1683 Scientific advisor 1683 sad 1594 Animator 1594 anm 1342 ed 1339 Reviewer 1339 rev 1224 ard 1216 Transcriber 1216 trc 1126 Corrector 1126 crr 1122 Teacher 1122 tch 1120 Binder 1120 bnd 1098 9pu 1006 fme 998 Proofreader 998 pfr 909 Censor 909 cns 901 ens 863 Reporter 863 rpt 848 Opponent 848 opn 847 Copyright holder 847 cph 824 Monitor 824 mon 767 Research team head 767 rth 765 jt 751 Videographer 751 vdg 739 orc 727 sde 712 Auctioneer 712 auc 681 for 596 Printer of plates 596 pop 593 Moderator 593 mod 564 pmn 545 Bookjacket designer 545 bjd 505 Consultant 505 csl 498 Printmaker 498 prm 482 pdr 478 dir 438 Author in quotations or text abstracts 438 aqt 400 Papermaker 400 ppm 397 Calligrapher 397 cll 390 Architect 390 arc 388 Sculptor 388 scl 386 730 379 per 375 [et 371 Illuminator 371 ilu 362 Client 362 cli 342 Puppeteer 342 ppt 318 Typographer 318 tyg 314 Binding designer 314 Complainant 314 bdd 314 cpl 301 sds 288 Patron 288 dki 288 pat 274 Compositor 274 cmt 272 msd 271 fmk 255 Organizer of meeting 255 orm 231 edc 231 g 229 Stereotyper 229 str 226 Storyteller 226 stl 225 tra 222 Depositor 222 dpt 220 Engineer 220 eng 215 con 214 xxx 211 Assignee 211 Wood-engraver 211 asg 211 ass 211 wde 208 Etcher 208 etr 205 Defendant 205 dfd 204 Delineator 204 dln 198 Manufacturer 198 mfr 198 sht 197 ani 195 cho 186 zhu 183 Cover designer 183 cov 175 qua 167 clr 166 don 160 Metal-engraver 160 mte 152 pub 144 440 129 bia 125 pre 123 n 119 001 118 dkb 117 Degree grantor 117 dgg 115 072 115 boo 114 wri 113 Licensor 113 lso 107 Type designer 107 tyd 105 Depicted 105 dpc 104 a 102 hrs 101 Electrotyper 101 elt 88 Research team member 88 rtm 84 940 81 Plaintiff 81 isb 81 ptf 80 Licensee 80 cpr 80 lse 77 coo 76 dkt 70 dkm 69 Contractor 69 ctr 69 stm 67 Expert 67 exp 66 zuo 63 bin 63 sp1 62 340 61 Surveyor 61 srv 60 ilt 60 yan 60 za 59 tr 59 yi 57 hg 56 nar 55 dsn 53 dkd 53 sig 52 080 50 0 49 joi 48 tcd 46 dko 45 evp 44 edi 43 dkf 43 fan 41 073 40 prn 39 Woodcutter 39 tri 39 wdc 37 cha 37 chm 37 wen 36 071 36 mcp 34 pr 34 rpf 33 lbr 33 pho 31 bib 31 c 31 cor 30 Bookplate designer 30 Witness 30 bpd 30 fmp 30 tmk 30 wit 30 xx 29 1bt 29 Consultant to a project 29 csp 29 led 29 lib 29 p b 28 acc 27 fot 27 qui 25 Patent holder 25 cbt 25 pth 24 spe 23 Copyright claimant 23 cpc 23 dka 23 pf 22 et 22 gro 22 isn 22 j 22 pan 22 pu 21 bpl 21 fmd 21 tu 20 1yr 20 dtc 20 ite 20 utg 19 dtr 19 osp 19 she 18 203 18 edm 18 pra 18 trn 17 (or 17 int 17 yua 16 l 16 pdb 16 sel 16 zhi 15 811 15 fo? 15 i 15 t 15 wrt 14 cdr 14 ntr 14 orf 13 (ed 13 o?v 13 plb 13 sgd 13 x 13 zon 12 Forger 12 alt 12 frg 12 spi 11 (co 11 cma 11 otr 11 te 10 082 10 727 10 Defendant-appellant 10 Process contact 10 dft 10 eds 10 end 10 ini 10 prc 10 rct 9 070 9 194 9 Plaintiff -appellee 9 jr 9 med 9 prr 9 pte 8 9 p 8 Contestee 8 Libelant-appellant 8 Platemaker 8 acp 8 adi 8 aur 8 crt 8 cts 8 fld 8 fun 8 har 8 hon 8 lit 8 par 8 plt 8 prs 8 txt 8 wr 7 220 7 801 IndexLoop run ending: 0 index nodes examined IndexLoop ending successfully on Tue Sep 02 13:45:02 EDT 2014 -----Original Message----- From: Dan Brickley [mailto:danbri@google.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 11:20 AM To: Wallis,Richard Cc: kcoyle@kcoyle.net; Chaals from Yandex; <public-vocabs@w3.org> Subject: Re: itemprop="translator" On 2 September 2014 15:38, Wallis,Richard <Richard.Wallis@oclc.org> wrote: > Already in place: > > Schema:Book has an illustrator property Schema:Movie has director, > producer, productionCompany properties Glancing through http://www.loc.gov/marc/relators/relacode.html there's a lot in there. Are there any super-useful things we're missing that could be argued for inclusion as first class properties? Otherwise having a way to point from a Role to external lists seems a potentially useful convention (though perhaps overkill). >>>> On 1 Sep 2014, at 15:35, Karen Coyle <kcoyle@kcoyle.net> wrote: >>>>> I was under the impression that creative works would be able to >>>>> use the "roles" pattern that was discussed [1]. Right now, >>>>> CreativeWork has author, creator, and contributor. Although there >>>>> are a handful of common creative roles that come to mind (editor, >>>>> translator, illustrator), the actual number blossoms quickly when >>>>> you move beyond books. Movies have a huge number of creative >>>>> roles; music also has quite a few (librettist, composer, >>>>> performer, lead singer...). The roles list used by the Library of >>>>> Congress gives an idea of the magnitude of the problem. [2] kc >>>>> >>>>> [1] >>>>> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vocabs/2014May/0085.htm >>>>> l [2] http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators.html Another option is to just use native (microdata/rdfa/json-ld) syntax for additional more detailed properties. If I remember right, multiple relation types between is a single pair of entities is most awkward in JSON-LD. In RDFa, this seems ok (needs @rel not @property): (where ANM is relator code for "A person contributing to a moving image work or computer program by giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings"; perhaps not a perfect classification of Richard Williams' complex role here but enough for an example) <p vocab="http://schema.org/" typeof="Movie"> <span property="name">The Thief and the Cobbler</span> <link property="sameAs" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thief_and_the_Cobbler"/> <span rel="contributor http://www.loc.gov/loc.terms/relators/ANM"> <span typeof="Person"> <span property="name">Richard Williams</span> <link property="sameAs" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Williams_(animator)"/> </span> </span> </p> >From a quick look, Microdata per http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/microdata.html#names:-the-itemprop-attribute should accept: <p itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Movie"> <span itemprop="name">The Thief and the Cobbler</span> <link itemprop="sameAs" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thief_and_the_Cobbler"/> <span itemprop="contributor http://www.loc.gov/loc.terms/relators/ANM"> <span itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Person"> <span itemprop="name">Richard Williams</span> <link itemprop="sameAs" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Williams_(animator)"/> </span> </span> </p> If all we want is additional relationship types, then creating an intermediate Role entity could be rather heavyweight, since RDFa and Microdata seem to tolerate whitespace-separated lists of properties. Anyone care to sketch this out in JSON-LD? Dan ps. +1 for including translator alongside properties for indicating links between translations, and yes " (I think the sticking point on translation is about the difference between identifying the thing translated and the translation, or between noting that there *is* a translation without specifying which is the original...)" is the only sticking point I'm aware of
Received on Tuesday, 2 September 2014 17:53:40 UTC