Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV) - News

Hi all,

Started in February 2011, the Linked Open Vocabularies project [1] provides
you with a high quality list of vocabularies (460 as for today) along with
curated metadata and version files to make it easier for any data publisher
to reuse existing vocabulary terms.

The search function [2] is a key feature while searching for such terms. We
do admit that this feature was not scaling well with the increase of
vocabularies and visits (response time allowing a comfortable coffee break,
service interruptions ...). But all these problems are behind us! Today we
release the new version along with a new UI available at the same URL [2]
(which will be extended to the whole website hopefully before the end of
this year).

Please note that the search API v1 is deprecated and we recommend to switch
to the new search API v2 [3].

The algorithm we use to score the term result set is based on 1) term
relevancy; 2) importance of the property (higher score is given to
rdfs:label, dc:title, dcterms:title, skos:prefLabel); 3) popularity of
terms in LOD datasets (number of datasets using a particular term and
frequency of this term) thanks to LODStats [4]

Subscribe to LOV Google+ community [5]!

Bernard will have the pleasure to guide you through the new interface
during the Vocabulary Carnival at SEMANTICS 2014 conference on Thursday and
Friday [6]


Pierre-Yves and the LOV team.







Received on Tuesday, 2 September 2014 17:33:08 UTC