On 19 November 2014 20:02, Thad Guidry <thadguidry@gmail.com> wrote:
> Last paragraph description quibble:
> "It is common for properties applicable to an item from the series to be
> usefully applied to the containing group. Schema.org attempts to anticipate
> some of these cases, but publishers should be free to apply properties of
> the series items to the series as a whole wherever they seem appropriate."
> Hmm... on the last paragraph in the description....when we say "item" and
> "series items"...can we instead rephrase with "part(s)", in keeping with
> convention of Series hasPart/isPartOf ?
Good point. We now have "but publishers should be free to apply properties
of the series parts to the series as a whole wherever they seem
appropriate." - I hope this is enough to reinforce the part/whole thinking.