Re: Series generalized, VideoGameSeries added for sdo-venkman release

Richard brings up a few good points. on.

In Freebase, early on we saw that the literary world goes fairly deep into
Series related things.  So, we took the stance to make many sub-types to
help uncover those in the Literary world.  Types like Book Edition
Series...and Literary Series...2 very different Series types.

For instance, eventually Richard is going to want what we have in Freebase
called, a Book Edition Series...  "This
type is for series of book editions. That is to say, series where the items
in the series are particular editions of books -- these will generally all
have the same publisher, and may have a uniform binding or other unifying
features such as all having the same illustrator or series editor. For
series of books (i.e., series where you can say that any edition is part of
the series), use the type Literary Series."

Here's Literary Series in Freebase:  "A literary
series is any series of written works (books, plays, stories, poems,
essays, articles, etc.). Examples of things that could use this type
include: novels or stories that share a setting or characters; a sonnet
cycle; articles or essays published in a recurring column; a series of
yearly anthologies."

In Freebase, we do not have Media Series or even a plain old Series....they
would just become bucket types in our view.

I agree with Richard that the current Series is not as generic a
description as possible.
BUT, I am also afraid of overloading too much into a an ill-fitting generic
Series, which might only be a bucket type in the end, just to make any
Series compatible with it.

On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 12:53 PM, Wallis,Richard <>

>  With the description as it stands, I’m having trouble seeing how this
> generalisation fits with anything other than TV/Radio/Video/VideoGame.
>  If I was a webmaster trying to describe a series of books brought
> together by a publisher e.g.. 'Teen Fiction', or Harry Potter the “series
> of seven epic fantasy novels written by the British author J. K. Rowling”
> schema:Series would not look like it fitted the task to me.
>  The difficulty being that a bibliographic series probably doesn’t need
> any extra properties than are already available in CreativeWork, Book, etc,
> yet the currently proposed properties all seem media related.
>  Here is a typical description of a Series from a bibliographic point of
> view:
> "*A group of separate resources related to one another by the fact that
> each resource bears, in addition to its own title proper, a collective
> title applying to the group as a whole. The individual items may or may not
> be numbered*.”
>  Against that background the current Series description doesn’t really
> cut it:
> "A media series, e.g. TV, radio or video game.”
>  I’m probably a voice in the wilderness, but I would be much happier with
> a really generic Series as a sub-Type of CreativeWork, with no extra
> properties.  Then the currently proposed version being named ‘MediaSeries’
> and a sub-Type of Series.
>   ~Richard
>  On 18 Nov 2014, at 19:00, Jerome Mourits <> wrote:
>  I'm not sure I understand the decision to have properties from VideoGame
> on VideoGameSeries. Pretty much all of the attributes of the series can
> vary from game-to-game  -- especially things like cheatCodes, quests, items
> On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 8:59 AM, Dan Brickley <> wrote:
>> The Series + VideoGameSeries update discussed in
>> is implemented.
>> Please take a look here:
>> cheers,
>> Dan

+ThadGuidry <>
Thad on LinkedIn <>

Received on Tuesday, 18 November 2014 19:07:46 UTC