Whither the schema.org JSON-LD context?

For some time, we've been expecting schema.org to publish a json-ld context at http://schema.org/ via content-negotation when the request is made with an accept header including application/ld+json. On behalf of the Linked JSON Community Group, I'd like to get an update on this.

To get around this, many (most) JSON-LD tool suppliers have provided their own context based on the schema.org vocabulary definition, but this is prone to error, and difference of implementation between the various tools. I understand that there could be some concern about excessive requests for the context, when it's not necessary, however, it's hard to see that this would even approach the number of requests for http://schema.org/ itself, from tools that encounter that in HTML.

Any timeline on when this might be available?

Gregg Kellogg

Received on Monday, 6 January 2014 18:49:17 UTC