Re: revisiting 'position', 'episodeNumber', 'seasonNumber' modeling and Periodicals

On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 02:01:32PM +0100, Dan Brickley wrote:

>Could we live with:
>1.) episodeNumber, seasonNumber, volumeNumber, issueNumber all get
> expected types of both "Text", "Integer"
>2.) we declare "position" as their common super-property, and give it
>the same expected range.
>3.) we add example(s) showing in JSON-LD and RDFa how a strict
>datatype of Integer can be written. For example,
>    {
>      "@type": "TVSeason",
>      "datePublished": "2006-05-14",
>      "episode": {
>        "@type": "TVEpisode",
>        "episodeNumber": "1",
>        "name": "Episode 1"
>      },
>      "name": "Season 2",
>      "numberOfEpisodes": "27"
>    }
>    {
>      "@type": "TVSeason",
>      "datePublished": "2006-05-14",
>      "episode": {
>        "@type": "TVEpisode",
>        "episodeNumber": 1,
>        "name": "Episode 1"
>      },
>      "name": "Season 2",
>      "numberOfEpisodes": "27"
>    }
>Technically this would allow "episodeNumber" to take strings like
>"iii" but they could be distinguished from values like 3 if publishers
>preferred to use JSON-LD or RDFa.

I like it; I've added commits for suggestions 1 and 2 to my periodicals
branch at accordingly,
also making "position" have a domain of CreativeWork while I'm at it.

(the other) Dan

Received on Tuesday, 12 August 2014 15:15:05 UTC