Re: Duplicate property listings in RDFS

On 20 April 2014 22:07, Dan Scott <> wrote:
> Quick bug report on -- the
> following properties are listed twice, with different summary
> descriptions

Thanks, Dan. I'll chase that down asap...


>   * acceptsReservations
>   * carrier
>   * departureAirport
>   * flightNumber
>   * issuedBy
>   * maxValue
>   * member
>   * minValue
>   * priceCurrency
>   * provider
>   * startTime
> In the RDFS, the HTML value leading up to the domainIncludes assertion
> is "Domain:" for one variation of the property, and "domain:" for the
> other.
> The result of the different summary descriptions is a property that does
> not make sense in one context; for example, compare the description for
> "carrier" on vs.
>; in the RDFS document, the description in the
> context for Flight should be "The airline designated as the carrier for
> the flight.", but at the ParcelDelivery context
> of "The party responsible for the parcel delivery." is surfaced instead,
> and that appears non-sensical.

Received on Sunday, 20 April 2014 20:16:03 UTC