Re: Why is the video property bound to creative work?

Cool, so at least most participating in this thread agree a property [with
a still to be determined property-name and description] could come in handy
to be able to express, for example, a Product has a VideoObject which
contains info about the Product.

Now how do we go from here?

I actually have a real website that needs to be marked up and where this
type of property would be marvelous to have. So sorry if I seem to be in a
hurry, but I'd like to have this yesterday.   :)

On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 8:10 PM, Thad Guidry <> wrote:

> Hmm, that last reply from me probably confused more folks than it helped..
> Let's just say that I would vote "YES" to a new "about" property on Thing
> that expected another Thing with a somewhat still unclear definition of
> "Another Thing that this particular Thing is the primary subject of or
> about."
> (There are reasons for making it restrictive (primary subject), rather
> than loose, so that there is more clarity in its use.  Less restrictive
> properties on sub-types could handle further relationships within domain
> contexts, I would hope, later on)

Received on Wednesday, 9 April 2014 00:44:08 UTC