Re: On linking vocabularies (Was: SKOS for proposal for discussion)

Hi Jeff,

I think Niklas' original email was about to assert equivalences between classes or properties between SKOS and, not equivalences at the level of instances (of skos: or schema:Concept).

Now, there's some value discussing how to represent what in SKOS is represented as skos:exactMatch (at the level of Concept instances). As you hint, this one was introduced because the strict semantics of owl:sameAs didn't fit the kind of softer equivalence cases we wanted to capture. And be compatible with a couple of constraints.

But in fact schema:sameAs [1] is quite different from owl:sameAs, and it could be good. In fact at the time Jean can with the proposal I was involved with, [1] was not existing. It may be worth dropping a line in the new wiki page for the proposal, saying whether we regard schema:sameAs a good property to use for skos:exactMatch.

(this in practice would amount to declare
skos:exactMatch rdfs:subProperty schema:sameAs
which brings us back to the original linking level that Niklas wanted ;-) )




> Hopefully,<> won't carry-forward some of the SKOS constraints in its "equivalent" terminology (whatever that ends up being). For example, it is a SKOS S14 constraint violation to say that the LCSH concept of World War 2 ( is "the same as" the DBpedia concept (
> On those rare occasions where the distinction matters, SKOS should be used. Most cases, though, shouldn't need this fussiness.
> Jeff

Received on Monday, 14 October 2013 09:26:17 UTC