On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 11:22 PM, Dan Brickley <danbri@danbri.org> wrote:
> > That way there are a lot of resources one can use, instead of yet another
> > property which more or less does the same. In my opinion that would only
> add
> > to the confusion.
> Let's make sure to keep a strong link to SKOS terminology and
> documentation, even if we don't call the class 'Concept'.
Does that mean linking this new schema.org class to skos:Concept using
rdfs:subClassOf or owl:equivalentClass? I'd really like that. :)
> > On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 9:56 PM, Evain, Jean-Pierre <evain@ebu.ch> wrote:
> >>
> >> EnumConcept could pass.
> >> From: Thad Guidry [mailto:thadguidry@gmail.com]
> [...]
> >> It does not HAVE to be called SkosConcept... but as long as the
> definition
> >> shows it's origin and that Broader & Narrower among others, are part of
> the
> >> bargain, then I think all web developers will easily comprehend what you
> >> mean and what neat interconnections they can bring to expand knowledge
> and
> >> organize directed Search queries even more.
> >>
> >> +1 for EnumConcept and I also saw the tie in to
> >> http://schema.org/Enumeration ( "Named" does not help signify that
> basic
> >> "organization" feeling that SKOS is all about....Knowledge
> Organization....
> >> but Enumeration or Enum does.)
> >>
> >> -Thad
> Can anyone here _not_ live with EnumConcept, given the various
> constraints and viewpoints expressed so far?
Although I'm quite supportive of "just use Concept", I have found it a bit
odd that it (skos:Concept) actually means something more artificial than
the name implies (being the managed notion within a scheme, having
dcterms:created dates and such, and being correlated to things using
foaf:focus). So I definitely sympathize with your reasoning and objective.
(I could possibly go for Topic as well – the relationship between SKOS and
Topic Maps has certainly struck me at times).
But to be clear: would an EnumConcept be a *part of* an Enumeration (the
latter then, as previously suggested, being related to ConceptScheme)? Or
would it *be* an Enumeration? Which then itself, just as e.g.
BookFormatType, has *instances* – instead of "narrower" terms? I would have
expected skos:Concept to be more equivalent to just Intangible in general.
> Dan