Vocabularies for BiologicalDataBaseEntry and BiologicalDatabase

Dear Dan and all,

We proposed schema.org extensions for BiologicalDataBaseEntry and BiologicalDatabase last year. Given the developments since our proposal (as detailed below), we wonder whether you could consider official approval of our proposal now.

We have developed a web-based search engine, "Sagace:http://sagace.nibio.go.jp/en/index.html", to discover and retrieve information from biomedical databases in Japan. Sagace retrieves metadata for each database entry page if they are stored in the microdata format. The obtained metadata will appear in the search results, and will help users judge the relevance of each hit.

Last year, we repeatedly discussed our proposed extensions with more than 20 biological database developers and we have now modified certain property types and markup methods. Some database developers have already marked up their content using our extensions and our Sagace search engine already displays these data.

For further details of our proposal, please visit the following links:

W3C Wiki page : http://www.w3.org/wiki/WebSchemas/BioDatabases
Property descriptions and markup examples are shown on this page.

BioHackathon2012 : https://github.com/dbcls/bh12/wiki/Schema.org-extension
How and why, discussions and useful links are shown in this link.

BH12.12 (in Japanese) : http://wiki.lifesciencedb.jp/mw/index.php/BH12.12/schema.org
Concrete markup examples and search results, discussions and comments are shown in this link.

FAQ : http://sagace.nibio.go.jp/press/metadata/faqs/?lang=en
How to mark up : http://sagace.nibio.go.jp/press/metadata/markup/?lang=en

If our extensions are officially approved by you and they become recognized by major search engines, it will encourage biological database developers to adopt schema.org schemas and considerably benefit their users, including the broad community of biological scientists.

We are convinced of the practical usefulness of our extensions and I hope you will agree. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know by using this ML or by contacting me (maori@nibio.go.jp) or Mizuki (mizuki@nibio.go.jp) directly.


-- :-);-)
Maori Ito
Email : maori@nibio.go.jp
National Institute of Biomedical Innovation (NIBIO)
Bioinformatics Project : http://mizuguchilab.org/
Sagace : http://sagace.nibio.go.jp

Received on Tuesday, 14 May 2013 00:44:40 UTC