(most likely) Version 1.0 of LRMI specification - proposed for inclusion with Schema.org

Hello all,

It is my pleasure to share with you what we hope to be the LRMI 1.0

This specification hopes to address the educational community's use case
of describing educational content online in a manner that will allow the
greatest opportunities for all learners (searchers).

You can find the full specification at:

The proposal on the w3.org WebSchemas wiki page:

Two examples are online on the lrmi.net site:
* http://lrmi.net/examples/nsdl20110414163807295T.htm
* http://lrmi.net/examples/Complex_Area_Problems.html

(There will be more added there later, there is a redesign of lrmi.net
happening right now)

We (the LRMI Technical Working Group) believe we've hit the sweet spot
with this version, but if you see any quickly fixable bugs, please let
me/us know!



Greg Grossmeier
Education Technology & Policy Coordinator
twitter: @g_gerg / identi.ca: @greg / skype: greg.grossmeier

Received on Monday, 21 May 2012 19:20:37 UTC