Adoption of CCG ECDSA Data Integrity cryptosuite complete!

Hi CCG'ers (bcc: VCWG),

Just wanted to share more good news with the group. A Credentials
Community Group work item called the "The Elliptic Curve Digital
Signature Algorithm Data Integrity Cryptosuite" was adopted[1] two
days ago by the W3C Verifiable Credentials Working Group:

Resolution #1: Adopt the ECDSA Cryptosuite
( as a work item in the VCWG
with a preliminary short name of ‘vc-di-ecdsa’.

We have just completed the transition to the W3C, and the latest
Editor's Draft of the ECDSA Data Integrity Cryptosuite can be found

We need everyone's help to get one last cryptosuite into the group
(the BBS cryptosuite) before feature freeze hits at the end of March.
Please add your name to the signatory list BY THIS COMING TUESDAY
(March 22nd) if you want a global standard for a cryptosuite that
supports both selective disclosure and unlinkable signatures:

Thanks again to everyone that lent their support for ECDSA -- we got it in!

Only one more CCG cryptosuite (BBS) to go in this round! We're down to the wire!

-- manu


Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)

Received on Friday, 17 March 2023 17:18:09 UTC