Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force Call - Mon May 13 - Where are we at with standardized trust registries?

TL;DR Where are we at with standardized trust registries?

Housekeeping: The VC Edu Task Force survey<> launched on 6 May is still open, and will only take a couple of minutes to fill in. In case you already replied but would wish to adjust your response, please note that the discussion topic point is now corrected to be a multiple choice question.


Monday, May 6th, 2024

Time: 8am PDT / 9am CST / 11am EDT / 3pm GMT / 4pm BST / 5pm CEST


Jitsi Teleconf:<;!!EJ3n55FBLexp1rhr!99zxAmjLdNP5_csw9OL6aNsBz121yw63Te7eRnh1861VEvin3wFsYo9xncRzfLzyuqpZ8RmpMyrVS8422zXno4lQrZnPXWjOCePG$>

Text Chat:<;!!EJ3n55FBLexp1rhr!99zxAmjLdNP5_csw9OL6aNsBz121yw63Te7eRnh1861VEvin3wFsYo9xncRzfLzyuqpZ8RmpMyrVS8422zXno4lQrZnPXb3lf4if$>
     US phone: tel:+1.602.932.2243;3

Duration: 60 minutes

1. IP Note:
Anyone can participate in these calls. However, all substantive contributors to any CCG Work Items must be members of the CCG with full IPR agreements signed.<;!!EJ3n55FBLexp1rhr!99zxAmjLdNP5_csw9OL6aNsBz121yw63Te7eRnh1861VEvin3wFsYo9xncRzfLzyuqpZ8RmpMyrVS8422zXno4lQrZnPXYPrmekh$>
    a. Ensure you have a W3 account:<;!!EJ3n55FBLexp1rhr!99zxAmjLdNP5_csw9OL6aNsBz121yw63Te7eRnh1861VEvin3wFsYo9xncRzfLzyuqpZ8RmpMyrVS8422zXno4lQrZnPXXPt3AmX$>
    b. W3C COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTOR LICENSE AGREEMENT (CLA):<;!!EJ3n55FBLexp1rhr!99zxAmjLdNP5_csw9OL6aNsBz121yw63Te7eRnh1861VEvin3wFsYo9xncRzfLzyuqpZ8RmpMyrVS8422zXno4lQrZnPXW3-FQwD$>
2. Call Notes:
    a. These minutes and an audio recording of everything said on this call are archived at<;!!EJ3n55FBLexp1rhr!99zxAmjLdNP5_csw9OL6aNsBz121yw63Te7eRnh1861VEvin3wFsYo9xncRzfLzyuqpZ8RmpMyrVS8422zXno4lQrZnPXfWFH6f-$>
    b. We use chat/IRC to queue speakers during the call as well as to take minutes.<;!!EJ3n55FBLexp1rhr!99zxAmjLdNP5_csw9OL6aNsBz121yw63Te7eRnh1861VEvin3wFsYo9xncRzfLzyuqpZ8RmpMyrVS8422zXno4lQrZnPXb3lf4if$> or<*ccg__;Iw!!EJ3n55FBLexp1rhr!99zxAmjLdNP5_csw9OL6aNsBz121yw63Te7eRnh1861VEvin3wFsYo9xncRzfLzyuqpZ8RmpMyrVS8422zXno4lQrZnPXYz8larZ$> or the Jitsi text chat.
    c. In chat/IRC type “q+” to add yourself to the queue, with an optional reminder, e.g., “q+ to mention something”. The “to” is required. More IRC commands here:<;!!EJ3n55FBLexp1rhr!99zxAmjLdNP5_csw9OL6aNsBz121yw63Te7eRnh1861VEvin3wFsYo9xncRzfLzyuqpZ8RmpMyrVS8422zXno4lQrZnPXbjJcLk_$>
    d. If you’re not on chat/IRC, simply ask to be put on the queue.
    e. Please be brief so the rest of the queue get a chance to chime in. You can always q+ again.
3. Introductions & Reintroductions
4. Announcements & Reminders
Upcoming CCG Meetings & Events:<;!!EJ3n55FBLexp1rhr!99zxAmjLdNP5_csw9OL6aNsBz121yw63Te7eRnh1861VEvin3wFsYo9xncRzfLzyuqpZ8RmpMyrVS8422zXno4lQrZnPXf4TfryN$>

5. Housekeeping: Help improve how our Task Force calls are managed and transcribed, and choose the topics we put on the meeting agendas. Our short survey<;!!EJ3n55FBLexp1rhr!95VkDD4Jwo3BnrZg5yZJB0e0gIaKZt1DsfOfVVYAP6Enfqf762I6BUylWPGWa5XCyrq_KR77cokVSo97kni-CUu0BxjQrGc$> is still open.

6. Main Topic: Where are we at with standardized trust registries?

Lucy Yang is going to share her experience working on trust registries, from COVID/health credentials, which she is still working on at UNDP and with WHO managing the Regi-TRUST project<;!!EJ3n55FBLexp1rhr!8a8AzyRJRpkkoTX6eWwmNQ5NbPirjVvskk4wph8eI2tOF0wdnam0VBlV1ZN2XOKRYA8y75StbcmjZUYrJW8ws7ObPZo$>, to her work as a decentralized identity/trust consultant at Identity Woman in Business<;!!EJ3n55FBLexp1rhr!8a8AzyRJRpkkoTX6eWwmNQ5NbPirjVvskk4wph8eI2tOF0wdnam0VBlV1ZN2XOKRYA8y75StbcmjZUYrJW8w9dv-B68$>. The goal of the presentation is to kick off a broader conversation within the community to collaboratively understand where we are at with standardized trust registries, particularly where the serious implementors are. As we enter a rather chaotic but exciting phase of emerging identity standards going to market, it is important that as a community, we provide more clarity to the market and implementers and continue to create standards and tools of value to them.

Ildiko Mazar

Sector Consulting Manager

European Digital Credentials for Learning Implementation Support

Rue de Spa 8, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Learn more at<;!!DOxrgLBm!SSn61vBA3b9R8E1QbsOrqGN-KqUb93Wb7c6tOhqNMCZoHVO9lPxtTID8cooVCFOQ2dq8xXCU$>


Received on Wednesday, 8 May 2024 14:18:33 UTC