Re: Plugfest 3 Proposal

Hi David,
Thanks for your comment.  We are anticipating that wallets will generally support one of VPR or OIDC4VP, similar to how the groups in the previous plugfest.  Are there other potential details we should note?

From: David Chadwick <>
Date: Monday, February 6, 2023 at 1:56 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: Plugfest 3 Proposal

Hi Sharon

Thankyou for having this discussion at today's meeting. I am sorry I could not attend, but it was at 4am New Zealand time and consequently I was fast asleep in bed.

I agree with the proposed workflow. The devil might be in the details e.g. will it be DIF PEv1, PEv2 or W3C Presentation Request that wallets should support? (FYI we have a solution for limited use cases of this); which status methods should be supported etc.\

I agree that this will need a longer timeline than either of the previous plugfests

Kind regards

On 07/02/2023 06:25, Sharon Leu wrote:
Hello vc-edu,

Thank you for your helpful feedback on plugfest 2 and sharing your ideas for plugfest 3.  There are many important aspects of VC interop on which we could focus, but as we considered our primary objective – creating functional LERs, we think that the logical next step is to emphasize presentation exchange.

We propose the following workflow:

  1.  Verifier requests a set of credentials from holder
  2.  Holder selects (3) relevant credentials from the wallet
  3.  Holder presents to verifier in form of verifiable presentation
  4.  Verifier verifies the authenticity of the VP (including DID auth on the VP) and individual VCs (including credential status check)

We have noted several other considerations in our slides deck:<> (proposed workflow is on slide 5).

Please let us know what you think about this approach – concerns, questions, etc.

Look forward to Plugfest 3, coming soon!


Received on Thursday, 9 February 2023 18:36:24 UTC