Plugfest 3 Proposal

Hello vc-edu,

Thank you for your helpful feedback on plugfest 2 and sharing your ideas for plugfest 3.  There are many important aspects of VC interop on which we could focus, but as we considered our primary objective – creating functional LERs, we think that the logical next step is to emphasize presentation exchange.

We propose the following workflow:

  *   Verifier requests a set of credentials from holder
  *   Holder selects (3) relevant credentials from the wallet
  *   Holder presents to verifier in form of verifiable presentation
  *   Verifier verifies the authenticity of the VP (including DID auth on the VP) and individual VCs (including credential status check)

We have noted several other considerations in our slides deck: (proposed workflow is on slide 5).

Please let us know what you think about this approach – concerns, questions, etc.

Look forward to Plugfest 3, coming soon!


Received on Monday, 6 February 2023 17:25:42 UTC