Re: Issuing Openbadges 3.0 VC's for skills


Typescript / JavaScript would be great.

From: Dmitri Zagidulin <>
Date: Monday, October 31, 2022 at 11:02 AM
To: mahesh Balan <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: Issuing Openbadges 3.0 VC's for skills
Hi Mahesh, great questions. I have a couple thoughts on that second one, but first quick question -- do you have a preference, language-wise? There's several good libraries for Typescript and Javascript that I know of, but also there's Java, Python, Rust, Kotlin, etc out there.

On Mon, Oct 31, 2022 at 1:56 PM mahesh Balan <<>> wrote:
Hello All,

I am working with a large company that would like to issue Skills Achievement credentials to its employees. Upon completion of a project or upon completion of internal training in certain IT competencies, they would like to issue a Skills Achievement credential to their employee. Initial requirement is to be able to issue it as a downloadable VC document / QR Code and subsequently encourage the use of a wallet by the employee.

I have 2 questions in this regard:

  1.  Can you point me to some open-source code for the issuance of an openbadges 3.0 compliant VC’s for skills achievement ?
  2.  When issuing a credential, is it ok to generate an ID for the Subject ?. Since initially the Holder will not have a wallet available to provide a DID etc, can we generate a DID / ID to uniquely represent the holder and have a credential issued ?


Mahesh Balan
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Received on Monday, 31 October 2022 18:44:58 UTC