W3C VC-EDU Co-Chair Election Self-Nomination: Simone Ravaioli

Dear W3C VC EDU, 

I would like to be considered for Co-chair. 

I believe the work of VC EDU is pivotal for a brighter future of education (and of work).  It is necessary, but not sufficient in itself. 

Here is what drives me:

I would like to contribute by keeping this workstream connected with all other moving parts - related standardization activities - in the ecosystem.   I am currently Chair of the IEEE Integrated Learner Record workgroup,  active in PESC, IMS Global (Open Badges and CLR),  DIF (Interop and Product Managers wg), but most importantly connected to other international initiatives in Europe (Europass, EBSI and CEN TC353) and Canada (CIOSC TS 115 - WIP spec for digital credentials and digital trust)
I believe there is a common interest rather than a conflict thereof in all various SDO’s threads around standardising learning and employment records.  Attempting to build a synergistic pipeline among SDOs, so the work of VC EDU will inform and be leveraged (and not replicated) and recommended  in the IEEE ILR workstream, for example
“Humble Intelligence” is one of the most critical skills that can enable ecosystem success. That mean employing mutual and open recognition for external work, leverage/reference of existing specs developed elsewhere. 
"Interop is a human thing”.  A very useful first principle in getting to consensus.
“Standards come through adoption, everything else is mere specifications” (quote by David Moldoff).  I am primarily interested in seeing this happen and can help with getting vendors (implementer of the spec) involved, leveraging my personal network that spans across regions.  Certainly feeling the responsibility of lobbying my own employer (Parchment/Digitary) which now has a global footprint to lead by example.
Building bridges across technical eras.  VC are fit for Web 3.0 world but we need to #LeaveNoOneBehind.  In VC EDU terms, this translate into seeing how Open Badges, CLRs, PDFs and all other credentialing formats currently IN PRODUCTION could be evolved to be future-fit by being connected/wrapped into VCs. 
Inclusivity and balanced representation.  

I am not a technical person, but learned the ropes since my involvement in standards work across regions (mainly US and EU) since 2010.  The group has already excellent leadership and members that are plenty technical, so I hope to complement that with the above-mentioned rationale.

I am attaching bio, but my LinkedIN profile is always the better … me.

My bio

Creative EdTech advisor with a portfolio of diverse experiences founding and contributing to the advancement of digital credentials and open standards initiatives for the digital transformation of international higher education and the creation of an interoperable global ecosystem.

Simone Ravaioli is currently Director of Strategic Partnerships at Digitary, a leading credentialing platform in Higher Education globally, specialising in large scale implementations (MyEquals, MyCreds)

He co-founded and chaired the EAIE Digital Student Data Portability task force (2010 – 2014), initiative which then seeded the creation of the Groningen Declaration Network <https://www.groningendeclaration.org/organisation/>. For this role was presented with the EAIE Rising Star award in 2011.

Simone served as an expert the inaugural EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum <https://www.eublockchainforum.eu/>  (2108 - 2020) and is a current member of the ESCO Maintenance Committee <https://ec.europa.eu/esco/portal/escopedia/ESCO_Maintenance_Committee> (2018 -2022).

To support the global ecosystem, he additionally serves in the Advisory Board of the Open Recognition Alliance <https://www.openrecognition.org/> (2016 -), the Steering Committee of the Learning Economy Foundation <https://www.learningeconomy.io/team> (2020 -), and the Steering Board of the Admission and Recognition Expert Community within EAIE <https://www.eaie.org/community/expert-communities/admission-recognition.html> (2020 -).  

In 2021 he co-founded a new international network called Microcredentials Sans-Frontiérs <http://www.microcredentialssf.org/>, an open community to discuss issues and curate research around microcredentials

In the standardization community he currently chairs the IEEE Interoperable Learner Record (ILR) workgroup <https://sagroups.ieee.org/1484-2/> (2020) and is an active contributor to various open standards communities across various Standards Developments Organizations, like W3C, PESC, IMS Global, DIF, CEN.

In 2019 Simone was the recipient of the PESC Distinguished Service award for his long-standing contribution to interoperability in global student mobility.


Simone Ravaioli 
Director, Strategic Partnerships

Bologna, Italy

Mobile: +39 348 8903631

Email: simone@digitary.net

Web: www.digitary.net <http://www.digitary.net/>

LinkedIn: SimoneRavaioli <https://www.linkedin.com/in/simoneravaioli/>


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Received on Friday, 19 November 2021 10:44:50 UTC