Re: {agenda} TTWG Meeting 2016-04-28

Additional agenda topic:

TPAC 2016

The draft schedule is at

It has us meeting on the Monday and Tuesday, matching our requested preference.

We also requested a meeting with the Web Platform Working Group, which will meet on the Monday for Web Components, the Tuesday for Service Workers, the Thursday for Editing and Selection and the Friday for HTML, Directory upload, overview and AOB.

The Web and TV IG also meets on the Monday: we requested no overlap but that request has not been met.

From: Nigel Megitt <<>>
Date: Wednesday, 27 April 2016 15:36
To: Timed Text Working Group <<>>
Subject: {agenda} TTWG Meeting 2016-04-28
Resent-From: <<>>
Resent-Date: Wednesday, 27 April 2016 15:36

This meeting is scheduled for up to 60m. Please be ready for a prompt start at 10:03am Boston time.

Our teleconference is scheduled with reference to Boston Time, the correct time of this teleconference in your locale may change.

Please check

Thursdays 10:03am-11:00am (or 12:00pm for 2 hour meetings) Boston local

IRC details:

server:, port: 6665, channel: #tt Web gateway to:

Webex details:

Webex meeting details have been moved to a separate member-only email – see below.
Non-member Invited Experts: please contact me directly for joining details if you do not already have them.

To join the online meeting
1. Go to the link that members can find at

2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password (from above linked email)
4. Click "Join".

To join the audio conference only
To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the meeting, or call the number below and enter the access code.
US Toll Number: +1-617-324-0000
Access code: see

Mobile Auto Dial: +1-617-324-0000,,,[number from email above]#

Present list
In order to list people attending the call in the minutes, each participant should type present+ <name> in the irc channel immediately
upon joining the call. This will be picked up by RRSAgent and included in the minutes. The agent quirkily doesn't accept spaces in names, so either use a single word nickname or separate the words in your name with an underscore.

For assistance
1. Go to

2. On the left navigation bar, click "Support".

For best practices with webex

Agenda+ Assign Roles

Chair: Nigel Megitt

Scribe: usually Nigel – open to offers!

Regrets: none

Activity since last meeting:
Actions: ACTION-457<>; ACTION-463<>;

Merged PRs: none.
Closed Issues: none.
New and Discussed Issues:
Add acknowledgments section<>; Highlight semantics of smpte:backgroundImage<>.
Open PRs: Update ttml-imsc1-errata.html<>;
Add IMSC roadmap document<>.

TTML1 & 2 :
Merged PRs: none;
Open PRs: none.
New and discussed issues:
Clock-time form time expressions allow 60 seconds for media timebase<>
Does tts:backgroundImage affect size of content area?<>
Timed Text Profile Registry:
Open PRs: Split registry table<>;
add media type registration section <> .
New and discussed issues:

0 PRs merged; 2 PRs open; 0 issues created: discussion via github

Cross-product TTWG board:
We are still using tracker for actions unrelated to issues.
Please do not add or modify issues in tracker!




TTML-WebVTT mapping:


Agenda+ Prioritise discussion for this meeting and look ahead

Check-point for order of topics – I'd suggest, subject to reordering:
1. Action Items
2. Charter
3. IMSC 1
4. TTML2 issues, actions, PRs etc
5. Profile registry
6. TTML and WebVTT mapping document
7. Progress on HTMLCue proposal
8. Unicode liaison
9. WebVTT comments
10. TTML Versions note
11. Change proposals
12. AOB – please notify of any other AOB now!

Reminder re future milestones and meetings:

Further ahead:

IMSC and TTML2 publication events: see the timeline of upcoming work at

May Meetings:
Thursday 5th May: TTWG phone meeting 1 hour
Thursday 12th May: TTWG phone meeting 1 hour
Thursday 19th May: TTWG phone meeting 1 hour
Thursday 26th May: TTWG phone meeting 1 hour

Agenda+ Action items

This week I've put all the actions in their relevant agenda section.

Agenda+ Charter

Current charter extended by 2 months to allow proposed charter to be reviewed by AC.
Proposed 2016 Charter on github can be viewed at

Repository is at - to file a PR please fork first, since we cannot grant access to the repository to all for creating branches.
2014 Charter is at

Agenda+ IMSC

Editor's draft is directly viewable at

IMSC Implementation Page:

ID      State   Title   Person  Due Date        Associated with
ACTION-461<>[(edit)]<>     open    Add an acknowledgment section to the imsc 1 errata section.<>       Thierry Michel  2016-04-28

Agenda+ TTML2 issues, actions, PRs, editorial actions etc

ID      State   Title   Person  Due Date        Associated with
ACTION-463<>[(edit)]<>     pending review  Add an issue on ttml2 regarding 60 second minutes to point to the ttml1 one.<>      Nigel Megitt    2016-04-28      TTML2<>

ID      State   Title   Person  Due Date        Associated with
ACTION-386<>[(edit)]<>     open    Investigate whether region style inheritance from tt is necessary given the ability to redefine initial values<>    Glenn Adams     2015-04-17      TTML2<>
ACTION-404<>[(edit)]<>     open    Add note to issue 341 to reflect his current thinking<>     Glenn Adams     2015-06-11      ISSUE-341<>
ACTION-443<>[(edit)]<>     open    Prepare a document showing mapping arib ruby extension features to ttml2 for use as a liaison document to arib.<>   Glenn Adams     2015-11-05
ACTION-458<>[(edit)]<>     open    Create issue re: line height calculation for inline<>       Glenn Adams     2016-04-07      TTML 1.0<>

ID      State   Title   Person  Due Date        Associated with
ACTION-462<>[(edit)]<>     open    Create issue on ttml2 to add "mapping from other versions and profiles of ttml"<>   Glenn Adams     2016-04-28

See spreadsheet of actions at

Edit/build instructions now in README in ttml2/spec/ at

More volunteers welcomed!

Agenda+ Profiles registry.

ID      State   Title   Person  Due Date        Associated with
ACTION-459<>[(edit)]<>     open    Process the PR at and post for review to the reflector<>  Thierry Michel  2016-04-21      TTML versions and profiles note<>

Thread beginning at

Agenda+ TTML and WebVTT Mapping Document

Editor's Draft is at

Agenda+ HTMLCue proposal progress update.

ID      State   Title   Person  Due Date        Associated with
ACTION-441<>[(edit)]<>     open    Kick off the analysis work on the vttcue carrying html idea.<>      Andreas Tai     2015-11-05

See for further information on this, this week.

[placeholder agenda item]

Agenda+ Unicode liaison.

Unicode ticket is at

Note that this was updated after IMSC 1 Recommendation publication as per Action-457.

[placeholder agenda item]

Agenda+ Issues

See pulse links at the top for a quick view into the active issues.

Agenda+ WebVTT review feedback

ID      State   Title   Person  Due Date        Associated with
ACTION-396<>[(edit)]<>     open    Produce evidence of request for wide review for webvtt, for the archive<>   David Singer    2015-04-17      WebVTT 1.0<>

Placeholder for discussion on WebVTT review feedback.

Agenda+ Note on TTML versions

Draft at

Reminder to all to review this and provide feedback to Cyril.

Agenda+ Change Proposals – progress and review

Change Proposal Index is at

The current priority 2 CPs (needs to be complete before WD for Wide Review) are:

5       OPEN    2       Jerry Smith     TTML2   HTML5 Mapping semantics<>
7       OPEN    2       Pierre-Anthony Lemieux  TTML2   3D extensions<>
9       OPEN    2       Pierre-Anthony Lemieux  IMSC2   Complexity model<>
11      OPEN    2       Pierre-Anthony Lemieux  TTML2   Metadata vocab<>
15      OPEN    2       Glenn Adams     TTML2   Style.CSS additions<>
17      OPEN    2       Glenn Adams     TTML2   Style.Defaults<>
19      OPEN    2       Glenn Adams     TTML2   Style.Syntax fixes<>
21      OPEN    2       Pierre-Anthony Lemieux  TTML2   Typography.I18n<>
25      OPEN    2       Nigel Megitt    TTML2   Distribution<>

Agenda+ AOB



Received on Wednesday, 27 April 2016 15:41:35 UTC