[imsc] CR: TTML Text and Image Profiles for Internet Media Subtitles and Captions 1.0

> In constrast [sic] to this specification,


> 6.5 Related Video Object
> A Document Instance MAY be associated with a related video object, which SHALL consist of a sequence of image frames, each a rectangular array of pixels, and SHALL be considered the Related Media Object.

Can I have a related Audio Object instead?
Or is there some other way I'd have to make arrangements for Audio captions?

Consider: A radio player with streamed text captions (your car radio
can do this). Or perhaps I'm rendering using <Canvas> (which isn't
usually considered a Video object, but perhaps you do?)

>  : numerator denominator                                               // numerator != 0; denominator != 0

can I use "01 01"? (For simplicity, I'd encourage you to say no, and
then fix your grammar)
can I use "00 00"? (00 != 0 in string parsing...)

> Unless specified otherwise,a Document Instance SHALL conform to the following:

Please insert a space after ","

> It SHALL be an error for the Presentation Compositor to fail to complete painting pixels for En before the presentation time of En.

What happens if it's an Error?

> if an identical image is present in Decoded Image Buffer Dn, copy the image from Decoded Image Buffer Dn to the Presentation Buffer Pn using the Image Copier; or

You should probably capitalize "If"

> if an identical image is present in Decoded Image Buffer Dn-1, i.e. an identical image was present in intermediate synchronic document En-1, copy using the Image Copier the glyph from Decoded Image Buffer Dn-1 to both the Decoded Image Buffer Dn and the Presentation Buffer Pn; or

You may capitalize "If" ...

> Otherwise, decode the image using the Image Decoder the image into the Presentation Buffer Pn and Decoded Image Buffer Dn.

You did capitalize "Otherwise"...

> Ic is the set of images copied when painting intermediate synchronic document En
> Id is the set of images decoded when painting intermediate synchronic document En
> IDec is the image decoding rate
> ICpy is the normalized image copy performance factor.

Why is there only one period (and no other punctuation) here?

> if an identical glyph is present in Glyph Buffer Gn, copy the glyph from Glyph Buffer Gn to the Presentation Buffer Pn using the Glyph Copier; or

You should probably capitalize "If"

> if an identical glyph is present in Glyph Buffer Gn-1, i.e. an identical glyph was present in intermediate synchronic document En-1, copy using the Glyph Copier the glyph from Glyph Buffer Gn-1 to both the Glyph Buffer Gn and the Presentation Buffer Pn; or

You may capitalize "If" ...

> Otherwise render using the Glyph Renderer the glyph into the Presentation Buffer Pn and Glyph Buffer Gn using the corresponding style information.

You did capitalize "Otherwise"...

> Fig. 2 Example of Presentation Compositor Behavior for Text Rendering

Where's the input for this example?

> Gr is the set of glyphs rendered into the Presentation Buffer Pn using the Glyph Renderer in intermediate synchronic document En.
> Gc is the set of glyphs copied to the Presentation Buffer Pn using the Glyph Copier in intermediate synchronic document En.
> Ren(Gi) is the text rendering performance factor glyph Gi
> GCpy is the normalized glyph copy performance factor

2/4 end in periods...

> the main and punctuation exemplar character sets specified for the language in [CLDR]; and
> the digits and symbols included in all numberSystems specified for the language in [CLDR]; and
> the common character set specified in Table 1; and
> supplementary characters specified for the language in Table 2, if any

I'd expect some capital letters and periods... This is very prose-like.

> U+00A0 - U+00FF (Number Forms)
> U+2153 – U+215F : Fractions

What is the meaningful difference between your use of "-" and "–" above?

> he (Hebrew)
> U+05B0 – U+05C3
> U+05D0 – U+05EA
> U+05F3 – U+05F4


Why are 05F0-05F2 excluded? (They're Yiddish, but is there a reason to
discriminate against Yiddish? Yiddish theater is real)

And, why would you exclude 059x, 05Ax, 05C4-05C7?

A perfectly reasonable thing to do w/ captions would be to caption
someone chanting from the Torah, or chanting a Haftarah which means
you'd need almost all of these (׆ is included in the text, but I
suppose you could argue for dropping from captions, I'd personally
include it, since omitting it would take more effort).

Received on Monday, 1 June 2015 21:01:26 UTC