RE: blur function

Interesting for those implementations that have direct access to the pixel buffer after writing text, which is unfortunately not the case in the toolkit I'm using.

But as an FYI, I went back and took a look at using the lower level layers of the toolkit and discovered a way to implement both outline and a blur. The blur is not 100% ideal - however as we don't mandate any specific algorithm, I believe it's good enough to score as an implementation. So assuming XFSI does one too, I think this feature is safe.

Sean Hayes
Media Accessibility Strategist
Accessibility Business Unit

Office:  +44 118 909 5867,
Mobile: +44 7875 091385

From: [] On Behalf Of Glenn A. Adams
Sent: 10 April 2009 4:38 AM
To: Public TTWG List
Subject: blur function

Here is a simple and fast algorithm for implementing tts:textOutline blur radius:


Received on Friday, 10 April 2009 12:09:48 UTC