Re: new issue? dfxp and language selection

There are a few problems with the following example which make it
non-conformant to DFXP.

1) <style/> must be an immediate descendant of either <styling/> or
<region/>, and not <head/>;

2) there is no ttm:title attribute defined in DFXP  (as used below on the
<div/> elements);

3) tts:display is not inheritable, therefore, region style inheritance does
not apply (note that tts:display applies only to body, div, p, and span, and
does not apply to region); instead of tts:display, tts:visibility would be
used, which does apply to region;

[N.B. I see there is a typo in the table in DFXP CR1 8.2.23, where two
'Animatable' entries are present and no 'Inheried' entry is present; please
record this as an issue]


On 12/5/08 8:05 PM, "Sean Hayes" <> wrote:

> If we wish to target content at different audiences, in my mind the best
> vehicle DFXP has for that is the region element, regions can be switched on
> and off by tts:display. The application of a user stylesheet to do such
> switching seems in keeping with accepted HTML usage. On the subject of HTML,
> very rarely do I see a multilingual site attempt to combine the languages in
> one page, that would be a nightmare to maintain. If we are thinking of
> embedding DFXP in HTML, I see no reason why separate files would not be
> appropriate.
> Note that John's example below is incorrect in a number of ways; a more
> correct example is given below which uses no new features beyond DFXP, uses
> xml:lang solely to indicate natural language and achieves what I believe he is
> attempting. Moreover this approach would be more readily able to capture the
> typical typographical approaches used in the various territories.
> I don't have ccPlayer to hand, but based on the description I have heard, my
> expectation is that this example should actually work in that player too, as
> they ignore regions, and display depending on xml:lang however I would not
> wish to encourage such non standard behaviour.
> <tt
>     xml:lang =""
>     ttp:profile=""
>     xmlns=""
>     xmlns:ttm=""
>     xmlns:ttp=""
>     xmlns:tts="" >
>     <head>
>         <ttm:title>Multi lingual example</ttm:title>
>         <metadata>
>             <ttm:desc>
>             This file contains four complete language examples.
>             users would  filter appropriately by switching on the relevant
> region.
>             Sound effects can be switched independantly of language.
>             </ttm:desc>
>         </metadata>
>         <style id="s1">...</style>
>         <style id="s2">...</style>
>         <layout>
>             <region xml:id="soundEffect"
>               tts:display="none"
>                style="s2"
>             />
>             <region xml:id="frenchLanguageSubtitles"
>              tts:display="none"
>               style="s1"
>             />
>             <region xml:id="englishLanguageSubtitles"
>              tts:display="none"
>                style="s1"
>              />
>             <region xml:id="americanLanguageSubtitles"
>             tts:display="none"
>               style="s1"
>              />
>             <region xml:id="québécquoisLanguageSubtitles"
>              tts:display="none"
>                style="s1"
>              />
>         </layout>
>     </head>
>     <body timeContainer ="par" >
>         <div timeContainer="seq" xml:lang ="fr-fr"
> region="frenchLanguageSubtitles" ttm:title="Titre en français">
>                 <p ttm:role="sound"  region="soundEffect"
> dur="1s">FANFARE!</p>
>                 <p dur="1s">Ce texte est en français.</p>
>         </div>
>         <div timeContainer="seq" xml:lang ="fr-ca"
> region="québécquoisLanguageSubtitles"  ttm:title="Titre en québécquois">
>                 <p ttm:role="sound"  region="soundEffect"
> dur="1s">FANFARE!</p>
>                 <p dur="1s">Ce texte est en québécquois.</p>
>          </div>
>         <div timeContainer ="seq" xml:lang ="en-uk"
> region="englishLanguageSubtitles"  ttm:title="Title in English">
>                 <p ttm:role="sound" region="soundEffect" dur="1s">TYRE
> SCREECH!</p>
>                 <p dur="1s">Quick! Put the body in the boot!</p>
>         </div>
>         <div timeContainer ="seq" xml:lang ="en-us"
> region="americanLanguageSubtitles"  ttm:title="Title in English">
>                 <p ttm:role="sound" region="soundEffect" dur="1s">TYRE
> SCREECH!</p>
>                 <p dur="1s">Quick! Put the body in the trunk!</p>
>         </div>
>     </body>
> </tt>
> Sean Hayes
> Media Accessibility Strategist
> Accessibility Business Unit
> Microsoft
> Office:  +44 118 909 5867,
> Mobile: +44 7875 091385
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Birch []
> Sent: 04 December 2008 16:46
> To: Daniel Weck
> Cc: Sean Hayes; Glenn A. Adams; Public TTWG List
> Subject: RE: new issue? dfxp and language selection
> It's a good explanation, but I fear I'm not quite getting my point across.
> Two selection scenarios are common in subtitling.
> A) target audience language selection. Probably at a level immediately below
> body level between multiple 'functionally equivalent' yet language
> differentiated divs.
> B) Removal of inline content because of user preference. For example, in a
> movie with hard-of-hearing subtitles, a user may wish to turn off the
> subtitles pertaining to sound effects, but retain those relating to speech.
> Note: this can be done with current spec using ttm:role attribute.
> I agree that DFXP should include a marker that makes an explicit statement
> about intent.
> E.g. This content is intended for french speakers.
> Or perhaps go further... E.g. This content is intended for french speakers who
> are also deaf (although this can be finessed using the role attribute).
> I agree with Sean that I think that the same type of selection that might be
> achieved by language matching and switch constructs can be achieved by
> processing - PROVIDED that sufficient markup exists in the document to
> identify content with sufficient granularity.
> So my suggestion would be
>    <sequence ttm:lang="fr" title="Titre en français">
>      <p ttm:role="sound">FANFARE!</p>
>      <p>Ce texte est en français.</p>
>      <p ttm:lang="fr-CA">Ce texte est en québécquois.</p>
>    </sequence>
>    <sequence ttm:lang="en" title="Title in English">
>      <p ttm:role="sound">TYRE SCREECH!</p>
>      <p>Quick! Put the body in the boot!</p>
>      <p ttm:lang="en-US">Quick! Put the body in the trunk!</p>
>    </sequence>
> BUT what is interesting here is that the two text strings (excluding the sound
> effect representation) ARE equivalents.
> What is certain is that BOTH should NOT be displayed. Perhaps some form of
> alt. markup is required :-)
> BTW Of course I'm assuming fr = fr-fr and en = en-en :-)
> Best regards,
> John
> John Birch | Screen Subtitling Systems Ltd | Strategic Partnerships Manager
> Main Line : +44 (0)1473 831700 | Ext : 270 | Office :
> Mobile: +44 (0)7919 558380 | Fax: +44 (0)1473 830078
> |
> The Old Rectory, Claydon Curch Lane, Claydon,Ipswich,IP6 0EQ,United Kingdom
> See us at Broadcast Video Expo - February 17th - 19th 2009, Earls Court 2,
> London, Stand number K56
> Before Printing, think about the environment
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Weck []
> Sent: 04 December 2008 16:09
> To: John Birch
> Cc: Hayes Sean; Glenn A. Adams; Public TTWG List
> Subject: Re: new issue? dfxp and language selection
> On 4 Dec 2008, at 15:07, John Birch wrote:
>> JB>> Generic XML can be processed using internal content and external
>> criteria. I personally view switches as being a way of pre-coding
>> common processing operations - but I view it as ~dangerous~ to only
>> allow those pre-coded choices to be made in order to remain
>> 'conformant'.
> I see what you mean: you see it as some kind of "anti-pattern", in reference
> to software development :)
> Now, let's consider this fictitious, yet relevant sample:
> <text xml:lang="en">
>    <sequence xml:lang="fr" title="Titre en français">
>      <p>Texte en français.</p>
>      <p xml:lang="fr-CA">Texte en québécquois.</p>
>      <p xml:lang="en-GB">Text in British English.</p>
>    </sequence>
>    <p>Text in (unspecified) English.</p> </text>
> If "xml:lang" was to be processed by user-agents as a content selection
> criteria, there would be a number of issues:
> 1) Clearly, content selection wasn't the original intent of the author. It is
> obvious that here, the "xml:lang" attributes decorate the elements to merely
> indicate the locale of the content. With the above XML snippet, XPath and the
> lang() function can be used, for example, pre-process (e.g. XSLT transform) or
> to dynamically alter the content (e.g. "highlight any English text in bright
> yellow"). This kind of processing made by the user-agent seems perfectly
> reasonable.
> On the other hand, my instinctive subjective assumption is that content
> pruning is not the desired goal. To remove this ambiguity, the TT/DFXP
> distribution format for captions should provide more than just a hint, it
> should clearly specify the intent (IMHO). This would promote re-using content
> across multiple processors.
> 2) The "xml:lang" attribute applies to an entire XML fragment, until it is
> overridden. In a content selection scenario, this nesting ability prompts a
> number of questions. For example, what happens if the user-agent locale is set
> to "fr": should the top-level "text"
> element be totally ignored/pruned, or should the "sequence" be processed and
> the following "p" ignored ? My personal systematic / scientific mind is in
> favor of the former, but I know authors who would "feel" that the latter is
> right.
> 3) What about more complex selection criteria ? Let's say that I want to mark
> a piece of text as "suitable for all flavors of French expect
> Canadian": using a (fictitious) 'matchLanguage' attribute, I could write
> matchLanguage="fr AND NOT fr-CA". Note: the coma-separated values in the SMIL
> systemLanguage attribute represent a OR boolean logic, so there are
> limitations in the selection model.
> 4) What about a fallback logic, so that if no suitable language is matched,
> then a specific XML fragment is enabled ? In SMIL, the 'switch' offers this
> mechanism, which enriches the default selection model based on the combinatory
> attribute value.
> I feel that a proper "content control" mechanism would address these concerns.
> Otherwise, I am not convinced that TT/DFXP will sufficiently eliminate
> ambiguities that user-agent implementors and content authors (or developers of
> production tools) will face, and I would recommend to clearly state that
> xml:lang is not designed for content selection, and that to be reflected in
> user-agent conformance guidelines.
>> JB>> If we did not have existent implementations then I would be
>> proposing two language attributes. One to allow a language specific
>> instance of a DFXP document (i.e. the true xml:lang sense) and another
>> - perhaps ttm:lang, to define the language used in sections of the
>> document.
> The "xml:lang" attribute from XML 1.0 and 1.1 can do both scenarios you
> mention. "xml:lang" is not meant to be limited to the document instance as far
> as I know. The "lang" versus "xml:lang" mess has been fixed in XHTML 1.1 IIRC,
> isn't that a good trend to follow ?
> Regards, Dan
> This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you
> are not the intended recipient you must not use, copy, disclose or take any
> action based on this message or any information herein. If you have received
> this message in error, please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail
> and delete this message. Thank you for your cooperation. Screen Subtitling
> Systems Ltd. Registered in England No. 2596832. Registered Office: The Old
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Received on Sunday, 7 December 2008 00:33:03 UTC