Revised TPE Last Call schedule

Hi all

As we discussed on the call today, here's the revised schedule for proceeding to Last Call:

(1)  On next week's call (April 2nd), Roy Fielding will do a final walkthrough of the TPE for Working Group members.  Please go through the document IN ADVANCE of the call to see if there parts of the specification you have questions about for Roy and David.

(2)  Group members should submit suggested editorial changes to the mailing list by the call on April 9th.  (Ideally well in advance so the editors can implement them before the call.)

(3)  On the call on April 9th, if anyone wants to object to moving to Last Call, we will announce a two week window for people to offer substantiated objections to proceeding.  Those must be sent to the public mailing list before the Working Group call on the 23rd.  However, if any group member does not think we should proceed with the TPE, I suggest that you voice those concerns to the group as soon as possible.

(4)  If there remains group consensus to proceed to Last Call on TPE on the April 23rd, we will announce that we are at Last Call during the weekly teleconference.

(5)  At the request of some working group members, we are extending the public comment period to June 18th.

Received on Wednesday, 26 March 2014 18:30:40 UTC