
My name is Erik Nilsson, and I¡¯m a reporter for China Daily, China¡¯s largest English-language newspaper and Web portal.

We¡¯re doing a package on Big Data and web tracking, and I was wondering if you¡¯d be willing to share some of your insights with our readership.

Given the deadline for my story, the latest I could add any new material to the story would be Sunday, March 10 (Beijing time). I apologize for the somewhat tight deadline, as I understand you¡¯re certainly very busy. Hopefully, it should only take a quick moment.

I¡¯ve pasted my questions below.

I can be reached at (86) 186 1075 9482, or

I would also appreciate it if you were able to let me know at your earliest convenience if you were able and willing to share with our readership.

Thanks again, and best,

Could you provide your full name and position title?

What can people do to reduce web tracking of their online activities?
Can you explain exactly how our information is collected and how it is handled afterward? In other words, what is the process from the point I log in to a website to the point where my information is used by advertisers?
Generally speaking, to whom is our information being sold? Specifically speaking, can you name some companies who are buying it, and exactly what are they doing with it?
What are some of the most basic laws in place surrounding web data collection, and, by your estimation, how common is it for these laws to be violated? What penalties would violators face?  

What, if anything, do you know about Big Data in China that might be of interest to readers?

What else would you like to add?

Received on Monday, 4 March 2013 14:30:32 UTC