- From: Rob van Eijk <rob@blaeu.com>
- Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 21:32:24 +0100
- To: Tracking Protection Working Group <public-tracking@w3.org>
It would do justice to the user, to define context in a user centric way. A context := the result of user control, after having been enabled to make an informed choice about the collection and processing of linkable (unique) identifiers for purposes other than security/fraud prevention or network management. An interpretation of context should not be left up to common sense. Due to the dependency of Option A "Tracking across multiple distinct contexts" with user activity, it needs to be defined. User activity is the result of enabling the user to make an informed choice about context. Context has everything to do with the purpose of the collection/sharing/retention of the data by parties and service providers. Leaving context open to interpretation would be a classic example of kicking the can down the road. The following example is no edge case. How would the suggested definition deal with the 3rd party weather widget? Does the weather widget belong tho the set of resources, even if it used the same persistent identifier on all sites the weather widget appears? Even when no meaningful interaction has taken place with the weather widget? A definition of context should work for the weather widget, but also for the more complicated examples like OBA, audience measurement or re-targeting. Some of these reflect the third party paradox, that David pointed out in his response. My point is, we do not know how an individual user's choice would be when presented with the weather widget on a given site. A user centric design of DNT should allow for context negotiation, not restraining the contextual boundaries. The proposed definition is the opposite of a user centric approach. When the user is presented with UGE request, the outcome, whether the exception was granted or not, contributes to what the context is. Similarly, when the user interacts meaningfully with the weather widget, the context becomes more clear. The context is fluid and subjective to the user. On 18-12-2013 19:37, Tracking Protection Working Group Issue Tracker wrote: > For the purpose of this definition, a context is a set of resources that share the same data controller, same privacy policy, and a common branding, such that a user would expect that data collected by one of those resources is available to all other resources within the same context
Received on Wednesday, 18 December 2013 20:32:57 UTC