RE: tracking-ISSUE-239: Should tracking status representation include an array of links for claiming compliance by reference? [Tracking Preference Expression (DNT)]


There should be a way for UAs or audit scanners to automatically recognise compliance statements other than by constraining servers to  unique Uris or trying to parse an un-standardised document. Compliance should be indicated by a code followed by an optional Uri addressing a human-readable resource. The compliance reference codes should be in a maintained registry, maybe administered by IANA. For example DAA, NAI, EU, COPPA etc.

A server could comply with multiple ones i.e. EU and NAI, so the new TR member should be a multiple value list.

i.e. in JSON:

var trf=
 "compliance": [
        "code": "EU",
                                    "description": ""
        "code": "NAI",
                                    " description ": ""


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tracking Protection Working Group Issue Tracker
> []
> Sent: 08 December 2013 05:12
> To:
> Subject: tracking-ISSUE-239: Should tracking status representation include an
> array of links for claiming compliance by reference? [Tracking Preference
> Expression (DNT)]
> tracking-ISSUE-239: Should tracking status representation include an array of
> links for claiming compliance by reference? [Tracking Preference Expression
> (DNT)]
> Raised by: Roy Fielding
> On product: Tracking Preference Expression (DNT)
> I propose an optional member of the tracking status object that will allow the
> origin server to communicate what (if any) claims it wishes to make regarding
> compliance to certain behaviors, as defined by reference to other standard
> resources:
>   An origin server MAY send a member named compliance with an array value
> containing a list of URI references that identify specific regimes to which the
> origin server claims to comply for the designated resource. Communicating such
> a claim of compliance is presumed to improve transparency, which might
> influence a user's decisions or configurations regarding allowed tracking, but
> does not have any direct impact on this protocol.
>     compliance    = %x22 "compliance" %x22
>     compliance-v  = array-of-refs
> Related to ISSUE-136

Received on Sunday, 8 December 2013 12:48:21 UTC